© 2017 Kelso Technologies (USA) Inc. All Kelso Valves are Patent Protected. Detailed designs are subject to change without notice.
Kelso Technologies Inc. 1526 Texas Ave, Bonham, TX. 75418, Phone: (903) 583-9200
Document No. - KTUD112
Revision 6
2/7/2022 (Original Release 12/7/2015)
Printed in U.S.A.
To perform an adequate examination of the springs, it is not necessary to
remove them from the spring block. Additionally, before visual inspection, the
springs should be cleaned in order to remove any foreign matter that may be
covering any irregularities. The springs should show no signs of pitting or
corrosion. Exposed surfaces of the spring should be examined for cracking or
any defect (i.e., a nick, gouge, or irregular bend) which could be a stress
concentration. If any of the springs are defective, then the complete spring
assembly should be replaced. When replacing the spring assembly, the
number of spring laminations may vary depending on the valve model. Thus,
the replacement springs should be replaced with springs that are the same
material and that have the same number of laminations. The springs may relax
from around the spring drum over time, which may provide the appearance of
gapping. However, it may be rectified during the rebuild and adjustment
procedures. If rebuild and adjustment does not correct the gapping but the
PRV passes its STDP and BBLT testing, then the springs are not considered
(Figure 4.13, 4.14, 4.15 & 4.16)
. Note: During disassembly it is
possible for the spring drum to slide free of the spring assembly. If this occurs,
simply tap the drum back into place.
Figure 4.9
Figure 4.10
Figure 4.11
Figure 4.12