An inevitable assumption for the origin of right from the prolonged warranty of the bicycle
frame is the following, that all above mentioned conditions will be fulfilled without exception.
In case any of the above mentioned conditions will not be fulfilled, and this even partly, the
rights from the prolonged warranty of the bicycle frame will not arise.
The manufacturer insures during the prolonged warranty period to exchange the bicycle frame,
whose cause of defect a material or production defect is, at his charge. The manufacturer
explicitly declares, that during the prolonged warranty period, any other rights, but the
claim for the bicycle frame exchange, under conditions defined in this certificate of warranty
in the chapter „Prolonged warranty for bicycle frame“ arise for the buyer and the manufacturer
provides any other rights with the prolonged warranty. By reason of a limited accessibility
of the original model of the claimed frame, the term of delivery of the new frame can be
longer than 30 days, whereby the manufacturer is obliged to deliver as soon as it is possible.
The manufacturer reserves the right to deliver the frame from the current production with
similar technical parameters of identical quality, but not the same colour. The contact person
for the prolonged warranty claim is the bicycle dealer - the dealer is entitled to decide,
weather the claim will be admitted and how it will be settled.
This above-standard prolonged warranty period is a voluntary act of the company KELLYS
BICYCLES s.r.o. and any regulations of Civil Code or other commonly established legal
enactments refer to it, but exclusively the conditions listed in this certificate of warranty,
in the chapter „Prolonged warranty for bicycle frame“ are valid. The rights resulting from the
prolonged warranty of bicycle frame terminate, if they are not to be claimed in the period
of above defined prolonged warranty period.