It is forbidden to use the machine as a lifting instrument.
It should not be used for excavation of any kind or cutting other materials than described
in this manual.
Before operation, make sure that the PTO shaft is correctly mounted and cannot come
loose during operation.
When working in the dark, the vehicle used must be equipped with a rotating warning
lamp and the workplace must be well lit.
Support legs must be use when the machine is parked or not in use.
Always check that there are no people or animal nearby before operating the machine
Under no circumstances may anyone be in the vicinity of the machine during operation!
Adjust the speed of the tractor when cutting different materials. Recommended speed
when cutting a hedge is 1.5 - 2km / h.
Using the machine or a long period of time can lead to accidents due to the operator los-
ing concentration. Take regular breaks to prevent fatigue and thus accidents.
The machine is wider than the tractor when the arm is folded out, be precocious when
driving on a public road.
Never let an inexperienced person handle the machine without supervision. Make sure
that the person driving the machine is aware of all safety measures and risks during op-
eration and when connecting and disconnecting the machine
Do not connect the machine unto the tractor if the tractor is not working properly.
Only connect the machine to a tractor with approved rollover protection
The machine should be use during daytime when you have a clear overview of your work
Adapt the driving speed during operation, drive at the speed you feel you have control
over the machine.
Always stop the machine when passersby is closer than 20m.
Inspect the work area carefully prior to driving. High grass / weeds can hide or cover junk
or other debris.
Do not make sharp turns, turn off the knives when turning and the arm is in the highest
The field of vision deteriorates when an implement is connected to a tractor. Set all mir-
rors so that you have a good overview of your work area.
Use ballast if necessary to move the center of gravity in the center.
WARNING! Make sure there is enough swing space for the machine when the arm is to be
folded out or when turning the arm.
When the pallet fork brackets are used during operation, ensure that the machine is sta-
ble on the pallet forks and can not come loose while driving. Tighten out the pallet forks
so that it does not tip back and forth or laterally.