In this section:
Introduction ............................................................................ 11-1
Accessories for Model 3732 ................................................... 11-2
Maximum power usage with Model 3732 cards ..................... 11-2
Measurement considerations ................................................. 11-3
Card configurations .............................................................. 11-14
Model 3732 2-pole operation................................................ 11-35
Cross-card expansion .......................................................... 11-48
Using the Model 3732 with a digital multimeter .................... 11-49
Using the Series 3700A front panel with the Model 3732 card11-51
Pseudocard support for the Model 3732 .............................. 11-52
Using remote commands from a remote interface ............... 11-52
The Model 3732 quad 4x28 ultra-high density reed relay matrix card has four independent banks of
4x28 single-pole, ultra-high density reed relay matrices (448 crosspoints) that can be configured
using relays, jumpers, and screw-terminal assemblies to create five different switch matrix
Figure : Model 3732 card
Figure 36: Model 3732 card
Section 11
Model 3732 quad 4x28 reed relay matrix card