Section 9
Next steps
In this section:
Additional Model 2651A information......................................... 9-1
Additional Model 2651A information
This manual has prepared you to start using your new Model 2651A for your real-world applications.
For more detailed information about the Model 2651A, refer to the Keithley Instruments Model 2651A
Reference Manual, part number 2651A-901-01.
For additional information on the Model 2651A, refer to:
The Product Information CD-ROM (ships with the product): Contains software tools, drivers, and
product documentation, including documentation for switch cards that are compatible with the
Model 2651A
(http://www.keithley.com): Contains the most up-to-date
information; from the website, you can access:
The Knowledge Center, which contains the following handbooks:
The Low Level Measurements Handbook: Precision DC Current, Voltage, and Resistance
Switching Handbook: A Guide to Signal Switching in Automated Test Systems
Information on related products, including:
The Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System
The Series 2600A System SourceMeter
Your local Field Applications Engineer can help you with product selection, configuration, and
usage. Check the website for contact information.