Model 2600-FIX-TRX
Keithley Instruments, Inc.
28775 Aurora Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139
Grounded Phoenix-to-Triax Cable Adapter
PA-1004 Rev. A / June 2009
The procedures contained in this document are intended for use by qualified service
personnel only. Do not perform these procedures unless qualified to do so. Failure to
recognize and observe normal safety precautions could result in personal injury or death.
The Keithley Instruments Model 2600-FIX-TRX Grounded Phoenix-to-Triax Cable Adapter (see
) is a
combination dual triax connector and low-noise chassis ground banana plug connector that provides easy
connection pathways between the rear-panel terminal blocks of Models 2601/2602/2611/2612 System
instruments (both Series 2600 and 2600A) and Models 8101-4TRX and LR-8028 test fixtures. These
pathways are described in
Figure 1: Model 2600-FIX-TRX Grounded Phoenix-to-Triax Cable Adapter