Advanced features
Figure 16
Voltage drop sample (with Model 2306 and output impedance set at 0.24
Variable output bandwidth
Testing the performance of the battery charger circuitry in a handset does not require the high
bandwidth performance in channel #1 or channel #2 of the Model 2306. Since a charger circuit
is a voltage regulated circuit, it resembles a high capacitance load to the output of the
Model 2306. For this type of application, the LOW bandwidth output mode provides increased
stability and eliminates oscillations that may occur. The LOW bandwidth output mode is
selectable from the front panel or over the GPIB bus of the Model 2306.
Front panel operation for output bandwidth
The following settings are available in main menu under OUT BANDWIDTH #1,#2. Use the
UP or DOWN keys to set the desired output bandwidth, either HIGH or LOW.
GPIB commands
‘ Bandwidth when the output state is ON and
current range is set to 5A. When output is
OFF, the bandwidth is LOW. When current
range is 5mA, bandwidth is LOW.
:OUTPut2:BANDwidth HIGH or LOW
‘ Same as above, but for output channel #2.
VH – VL = 0.360V