Troubleshooting Guide
The system will not load or unload?
a. Is the PTO is engaged?
b. Are the quick couplers fully connected?
c. Is the On/Off Ball valve completely closed?
d. Is the “Control Valve” in the “Unload” position?
If all of the above have been checked and unit will still not move, you will need to check
pressure and flow from the pump to the trailer using a pressure gauge and flow meter.
In unload mode, the system unloads and then stops?
a. Switching Valve is out of adjustment (refer to owner’s manual on adjustment
b. Pressure may be too low to move slats in the 1-2-3 mode (It takes more pressure
to operate in the 1-2-3 mode than in the unload mode). Check hydraulic
pressure at the pump.
What can I use my KEITH
Unloading System for?
a. Most bulk material will unload very well. Please be sure your trailer and floor
slats are properly designed for the products you are planning to move. Consult
with a KEITH representative to answer your questions.
b. General commodities including pallets.
systems have been
used for many years to move palletized cargo. Pallets with protruding nails and
knots will cause problems, but using carpet or cardboard under the pallets will
help them move in an orderly fashion. Consult with KEITH personnel to ensure
your best results.
For any questions regarding product application/uses please contact KEITH Mfg. Co.
Thank you
Mike Robinson
Sales Director