There are a number of contraindications in the context of the relevant fields of the Functional Trainer use. In rehabilitation,
only the medical staff can determine the form and extent of therapy. Medications can have an influence on the rehabilitation
(e.g. neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, anti-epileptics, etc.). In the following cases, Functional Trainer training
may only be carried out after consultation with a doctor:
Acute thrombosis
Fresh wounds (e.g. after surgery)
Artificial joints or prosthetics
Bone fractures
Spinal disc damage
Traumatic injury to the spine
Acute migraine headache
Chronic illnesses
Acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris
(determined by a stress test)
Cardiovascular diseases e.g. severe high blood pressure
at rest, carditis, congestive heart failure, severe valvular
heart disease, dangerous heart arrhythmias at rest, or
aortic aneurysm
If the patient is experiencing acute illness, febrile condition (i.e. fever), or newly occurring pain, this represent an absolute
contraindication for physical stress. In such situations, it is necessary to postpone training until the patient’s health has
improved sufficiently.
In some situations (especially in patients with coronary heart disease or lung disease) overstraining can lead to an acute
intensification of the patient’s symptoms. In such situations, an exercise ECG is essential and training is only possible
under medical supervision.
The use of the automated operation (pulse automatic, preset programs, external control via computer or other device) is
prohibited, unless the strain was authorized by a physician in accordance with the patient’s capacity/health.
For applications in endurance training, diagnostics and performance testing of patients, performance diagnostics, and
stress tests, the same contraindications apply (among others) as with all physical stress. If there is doubt, it is important
that a physician be consulted before using the Functional Trainer.