Fill-O-Meter Instruction Manual
Last Updated 5/10/2020 3:59 PM
Quantitative Statistics
By default the Fill-O-Meter will display the total volume delivered as the instantaneous value.
However, other quantitative statistics such as Daily Total Volume and Instantaneous Flow Rate can
be displayed.
To switch between quantitative statistics press the MENU button while in standby mode. The three
quantitative statistics which can be displayed are as follows:
Cumulative Volume Delivered for Current Set State
Displays the total cumulative volume delivered according to the set volume. If the set volume is
0000.00L then the instantaneous value will display the total volume which has been delivered since
the last clear.
Displayed as L as the unit of measurement for the instantaneous value and symbol MAX in the
current interface section.
Cumulative Volume Delivered for All Set States (Days)
Displays the total volume delivered over the total accumulated time period (days).
Displayed as Litres (L) as the unit of measurement for the instantaneous value, the total number of
days accumulated is shown below the instantaneous value and the symbol TOTAL in the current
interface section.
Flow Rate (K-factor)
Displays the instantaneous measured flow rate in Litres/minute (LPM)
No symbols appear in the current interface section.