ched cellular phone connections and complements that.
Network Service Operator
To be able to use your phone, you need a subscription to a network. You get this subscription f
rom a network operator, together with a SIM card that you need to use with your phone.
PIN (Personal Identification Number)
The code is to establish authorization for access to certain functions or information in your SIM
card. The PIN code comes with your subscription. It may be a four to eight digit number and c
an be changed as required.
PIN2 (Personal Identification Number 2)
The code is an authorization code to access certain special field in your SIM card. The PIN2 co
de does not come with your subscription in some country.
PPUK (Personal Unblocking Key Code)
Used to unlock a blocked SIM card. This comes with your subscription
Use of your phone when you are outside your subscription network area.
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)
It contains subscriber details, security information and memory for a personal directory of num