Alarm Tests
The purpose of these tests are to ensure the InfoV.A.C.® Therapy Unit correctly detects, displays and sounds alert and
alarm conditions.
Tools and Supplies:
InfoV.A.C.® Canister, two each (KCI PN M8275063 or M8275071).
Tubing Cap, KCI PN M6275069, one each
Canister Preparation
These are normal InfoV.A.C.® canisters that can be reused for up to 6 months as a test canister.
KCI recommends marking the
canisters with Test Canister-Not For Human Use and the in-use date.
One canister has no modifications.
One canister has a piece of impermeable tape (duct tape illustrated) placed to cover the pump port, as shown. This will
simulate a full canister.
Pump Port
Tape covered Pump Port