KC Printing Machine (group) limited
Website: Http://www.dg-padprinter.com
Online contact Skype: yingsuhuakelven
QQ: 726986799
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Put stamping Plate( silicon rubber plate, Copper plate, ZN Plate) on the working table, coating high temperature glue
or adhering high temperature paper onto the surface of plate, Press “press-testing “make stamping head down and
contact with plate for a moment till the plate can be lift up.
安装烫金版有三种方式: 高温胶纸粘贴,高温胶水粘贴,螺钉固定。
较小规格的烫金版可以使用高温胶纸和高温胶水粘贴的方法, 较大尺寸的规格特别是金属烫金版可以采用螺钉固
A)—用高温胶纸粘贴: 首先裁切一块高温胶纸, 尺寸比烫金版稍微大一些, 将高温胶纸的黄色面朝下平铺于烫
金版的金属面, 将胶纸的纸基去掉;将烫金版放置于工作台上面, 将烫金机加温,然后操纵烫金机下压到烫金版一分
B)—用高温胶水粘贴: 将高温胶水涂布在烫金版的金属基板上面,放置在工作台上面,其他程序和 A 相同;
C)—用螺丝固定:首先松掉烫板固定螺丝, 取下烫板,大致确定烫金版的位置, 在烫板上面制作固定螺丝孔四个,
然后将烫金版固紧,再将烫板安装到原来的位置。 如下图所示。
There are three methods to install stamping edition: adhere with high temperature emulsion paper, High temperature
glue, Fixation with screw:
A)—High temperature Emulsion paper: first cutting one high temperature paper according to the stamping edition,
Then cover it onto the stamping edition, Put them on the working table of stamping machine, setting the temperature and
start the machine to let stamping plate down to contact with them for a few minutes, the stamping edition will be lift up;
B)—High temperature glue: First coating the glue onto the Metal base of stamping edition, The rest process is same
as A:
C)—With screw, First loose the fixation screw of stamping plate, take off the stamping plate, Make four screw holes
on it, then install the stamping edition on it.
拉杆的长度和摆角,使烫金纸距离烫印模块 10mm 左
Install stamping foil and adjust the position ,
tension. The best distance between stamping foil
and stamping plate is about 10mm.
Put object on the fixture and press
“ press-testing” to have a stamping process.