Some Helpful Guidelines For Best Results
When Using the Forehead Thermometer
Call your doctor when your child has diarrhea,
vomiting or changes in appetite, lethargy
(sluggishness) or is unusually sleepy.
It is important to know each individual’s
Normal temperature when they are well.
This is the only way to accurately diagnose
a fever. Take multiple readings when healthy
to determine Normal temperature.
A child’s normal temperature can be as high
as 37.7°C (99.9°F) or as low as 36.1°C (97.0°F).
Re-measure with a standard digital thermome-
ter for confirmation, especially on infants
(It is recommended use a digital thermometer
rectally on infants and on sleeping infants if
there is a question about the measurement.
Be sure to note this unit reads 2°C (1°F)
lower than a rectal digital measurement).
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