s Manual
Dear Customer, thank you for choosing a KaWe prod-
uct. Our products are known for their high quality and
long life.
Please read this User's Manual tho-
roughly and carefully before attempting to use
this product and heed the care instructions.
: The KaWe PERSON-CHECK® measuring
instruments are only to be used by authorized per-
sonnel. The KaWe PERSON-CHECK® instruments are
intended for the measurement of the human body size.
The instruments are used for the simple measure-
ment of the human body size by placing the movable
jaw blade on the head of the person to be measured.
The measured value (in cm) can be read from the tape.
Unsuited use/contraindication of the product:
Any use other than that described here is not in accord-
ance with the intended use of the unit. The manufac-
turer is not liable for any resulting damages. There are
no known risks associated with the use of this product.
The user alone bears the risk.
Further information, maintenance, storage:
used and stored properly, the KaWe PERSON-CHECK®
measuring instrument will serve you many years.
When used properly and in accordance
with the User's Manual we guarantee this product for
two years from the date of purchase. Should you need
further information or should your instrument require
repair, please contact your dealer.
Warning instructions:
Do not pull the meas-
uring tape out past its maximum measuring length of
2,10 meters.
Limitation of reuse preparation:
Frequent reuse
only minorly influences this product. The working life
of the instrument usually depends on the wear and
tear and damage by use.
Storage and transport:
No special requirements.
Cleaning preparation:
No special requirements.
Manual cleaning:
cleaned exteriorly with a damp, soft and lint-free cloth.
Automatic cleaning:
Automatic cleaning is not
Disinfection of the measuring arm.
Disinfecting and cleaning solutions such as Melisep-
tol®/Meliseptol® rapid are to be used in accordance