The Joy of Quilting with Your Long-Arm Machine
Using the bungee clamps while quilting will also
help maintain the proper tension you are looking
for. The clamps need to be secure enough that
they are keeping the quilt flat, but not pulling or
distorting the sides of the quilt.
When the time comes to proceed to the next row
of quilting be sure that the “take up” rail (with the
rolled quilt on it) is not resting on the throat of the
machine. This is very important! *Picture This will
cause drag and may result in breaking thread or
needles. There always needs to be a finger width
between the rolled quilt on the “take up” rail and
the throat of the machine. *PICTURE This can be
done by raising the take up rail as demonstrated
in your frame’s instruction manual. Be sure to
keep the rail even as you raise it up.
Tools needed while quilting
Through the years of machine quilting, Kathy has found tools and supplies that have
helped her in her daily work. The following are a few tools that we feel can help make
you a more efficient quilter. We encourage you to utilize the tools that fit your needs,
and to explore and find more tools that will also help you in your quilting endeavors.
Some of our customers have purchased “tiger tape” to
put on the side of their frames. This tape is pre-marked
with quarter inch lines. This helps them to raise their
take up rail a quarter inch each time they roll
their quilt, helping them keep the rail even
and level on both sides of the frame.
This can be found online, or
in some craft or
Rolling Your Quilt