Before soldering-in the jacks, it’s worth
making sure they align with the holes in
the case. If they don’t, re-seat the jacks so
they do.
You can now invert the board (they won’t
fall out believe me!) and solder the lugs in
place. The jack holes are quite large and
will take a lot of solder if you keep feeding
it in, but all that will do is run down the
lugs into the jack body, so, no need to keep
going once the pad is initially full.
This is how your board should look now!!
Yes, it’s looking more like a Treble Booster
board now!
Next to do is connect the battery box to
the board. A twisted cable has been
provided for this purpose.
Firstly, grip the twisted cable about 20mm
back from the end and untwist it.