“My Fountain flow seems to fluctuate and/or be less
than usual.”
If the nozzle is being used, make sure the
flow straightener is tightened securely to the fountain
housing. A gap between the flow straightener and
housing will result in a loss of pressure and the
performance will be reduced. Also check to see
if the oring is installed correctly between the flow
straightener and nozzle.
This symptom is also caused from unit being
clogged with debris. A mat of weeds, many leaves,
plastic bags, etc. can clog up the unit and cause it to be
starved of water. If the unit does not have the proper
amount of water, the flow or pattern will fluctuate up
and down and look sporadic. If you are seeing these
symptoms, unplug the unit and clean away the debris
that is clogging up the screen either screen. Another
possibility if these symptoms are noticed, is a chipped
or damaged prop that is causing the unit to wobble and
not pump properly. When the unit is unplugged, check
the prop for damages and replace if damage is found.
“My Fountain trips the ground fault interrupter in the
This is the most common symptom of several
possible problems. To correctly diagnose the problem,
you will need to collect more information. A Ground
Fault Interrupter (GFI) breaker that trips can in-
dicate an electrical service problem, water contamina-
tion in the unit and/or cord, bad breaker, control
box problems, motor problems, etc. Try to find out the
answers to these questions before you contact
Kasco to narrow down the problem.
• How long does it take to trip the breaker?
• Does it always take the same amount of time to
• How many times has it tripped?
• Has there been any electrical problems in the area
“My Fountain seems to run slowly.”
This can also be a symptom of several possible
problems. There could be an electrical problem where
the unit is not getting the proper voltage. This could
also indicate a problem with the motor of the unit,
which needs to be looked at by an Authorized Repair
Center. Check that the unit is receiving the proper
voltage, and, if so, contact Kasco for further steps.
Other Repairs:
Most failed equipment can be repaired at substantially
lower costs than replacement with new. Please ship
according to the instructions in the previous section.
Again, it is best to call ahead for a Return Authori-
zation Number and/or Repair Form so we know the
repair is coming.
Kasco Marine does estimates on repairs at the request
of the customer. The request for estimate should be
included in the letter that accompanies the returned
unit and must include a daytime phone number and/or
e-mail address. Estimate options are as follows:
We will contact the customer with a total after the unit
has been evaluated, but before the work is performed.
We will repair the unit only if repair costs are under a
stated dollar amount. Example: “Please repair if total
is under $150.00 before shipping charges.”
All estimates that are rejected for repair will be de-
stroyed unless otherwise directed by the customer. If
the customer would like the unit returned, the unit will
be restored as closely as possible to the condition in
which it was received and shipped at the customer’s
expense for shipping and handling charges.
All non-warranty repairs will be returned to the cus-
tomer prepaid with Visa or Mastercard or shipped
C.O.D. with C.O.D. charges unless otherwise directed.
Kasco Marine will call for credit card information
upon completion of the repair.
All other warranty and repair inquiries should be di-
rected to Kasco Marine, Inc. at 715-262-4488 or
[email protected]
Troubleshooting Tips
Below are some helpful troubleshooting tips. If a
problem occurs, please double check the assembly and
installation instructions as well as the instructions for
the proper control panel. More troubleshooting tips
can be found at www.kascomarine.com (under the
technical tab)