8. Check controls frequency recommended by
Your harness needs constant checking (controls) that is aimed mainly
on solid sewing, straps and firm parts of the harness.
In case the harness is not under control regularly by the producer or
authorized person, the producer is not responsible for technical
condition of the harness and any damages or losses (material,
financial, healthy and others) resulting from the above.
In case there is need to exchange any part of the harness, it must be
exchanged only for the original part and repaired by the producer only
or authorized person/company.
The producer states obligatory checking controls every 2 years.
Maximum life of the harness is 10 years and afterwards further use of
the harness must be advised with the producer!!!
Control after 2 years of date
of purchase
Stamp and signature of the producer or
authorized person
Control after 4 years of date
of purchase
Stamp and signature of the producer or
authorized person
Control after 6 years of date
of purchase
Stamp and signature of the producer or
authorized person