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Lesen Sie vor der Inbetriebnahme diese Betriebsanleitung und beachten Sie besonders

  „Sicherheitshinweise 5.956-345“


Please read these operating instructions before starting and strictly observe the

“Safety Instructions 5.956-345”


Veuillez lire attentivement la présente notice d´instructions avant la mise en service et
respecter en particulier les 

 «Consignes de sécurité 5.956-345»


Leggere queste istruzioni per l’uso prima della messa in servizio ed osservare specialmente

«Istruzioni di sicurezza 5.956-345»


Lees voor de ingebruikneming deze gebruikshandleiding en neem in het bijzonder de

„Veiligheidsvoorschriften 5.956-345”

 in acht.

Antes de poner en marcha el aparato deberá estudiar atentamente las 


y observaciones relativas a la seguridad 5.956-345»


Leia estas instruções de serviço antes da colocação em funcionamento e respeite
especialmente as 

 «Indicações de segurança  (5.956-345)»


Ðñéí èÝóåôå ôç óõóêåõÞ ãéá ðñþôç öïñÜ óå ëåéôïõñãßá, äéáâÜóôå ôéò ðáñïýóåò

ïäçãßåò ÷åéñéóìïý êáé ôçñåßôå éäéáßôåñá ôéò 

“Õðïäåßîåéò áóöáëåßáò 5.956-345”


De bedes læse denne driftsvejledning igennem før idrifttagningen i  denne forbindelse
skal især 

 „Sikkerhedsforskrifter 5.956-345“





























Содержание DE 4002

Страница 1: ...DE 4002 www karcher com 5 959 155 A 2001026 04 03 ...

Страница 2: het bijzonder de Veiligheidsvoorschriften 5 956 345 in acht Antes de poner en marcha el aparato deberá estudiar atentamente las Advertencias y observaciones relativas a la seguridad 5 956 345 Leia estas instruções de serviço antes da colocação em funcionamento e respeite especialmente as Indicações de segurança 5 956 345 Ðñéí èÝóåôå ôç óõóêåõÞ ãéá ðñþôç öïñÜ óå ëåéôïõñãßá äéáâÜóôå ôéò ðáñïýóåò ...

Страница 3: ...erite ta navodila za uporabo in pri tem posebej upo tevajte odstavek Varnostnanavodila5 956 345 Przed uruchomieniem urz dzenia przeczytaæ tê instrukcjê obs ugi i przestrzegaæ szczególnie Wskazówekbezpieczeñstwa5 956 345 Pred uvedením do prevádzky si preèítajte tento prevádzkový návod a najmä dodr iavajte Bezpeènostnéustanovenia5 956 345 Înainte de luarea în exploatare citiþi aceste instrucþiuni de...

Страница 4: ...13 English 1 Starting the unit ...

Страница 5: tank Using the funnel pour a maximum of 2 litres of tap water into the tank Screw the cap back onto the tank 1 Steam pistol 2 Handwheel for steam control 3 Release button 4 Locking mechanism child lock 5 Steam switch 6 Modular accessory plug 7 Reset button Descaling completed 8 VAPOHYDRO control knob 9 Temperature indicator 10 Steam control knob 11 Indicator light Descaling due white 12 Indicat...

Страница 6: ... up 1 5 Refilling the boiler with water Note When there is no water left in the additional tank a warning signal is sounded and the LOW WATER WARNING lamp for the additional tank illuminates Using the funnel fill the additional tank with a maximum of 2 litres of tap water When the HEATER indicator lamp extinguishes the cleaner is ready for use again Note If the pump does not deliver any water alth...

Страница 7: ...e of low exterior temperatures you should first of all spray steam lightly over the whole glass surface in order to even out any differences in temperature and to avoid the build up of tension on the surface of the glass Do not apply the steam jet directly to the sealed parts of the window 2 3 Regulating volume of steam with rotary knob on main unit If you are working with the standard accessories...

Страница 8: ...e circular brush is not suitable for cleaning sensitive surfaces 2 Directions for use 2 9 Floor nozzle Depending upon the actual cleaning task the floor nozzle can be used with the extension tubes You can use this nozzle for all large washable wall and floor surfaces Place the floor nozzle onto the folded large cloth and then pull the cloth under the retaining clips on each side The best results f...

Страница 9: ... the lamp on the iron extinguishes it is ready for use As soon as you press the switch a solenoid valve in the main unit opens and steam flows out of the base of the iron If you push the switch forwards steam is expelled continuously if you push the switch towards the rear shots of steam are discharged Begin by directing the steam onto a piece of cloth until water no longer comes out of the iron T...

Страница 10: ...ection Refilling the boiler with water If you encounter any other problems with the cleaner you should contact your local authorised customer service agent 3 Care Maintenance Troubleshooting 3 1 Cleaning the boiler Rinsing out the boiler To clean the boiler we recommend that you fill it with water and shake it vigorously This should loosen any scale that has settled at the bottom of the boiler If ...

Страница 11: ...s maximum of 3 2 bar and switched on again when the pressure drops as a result of steam being drawn off 4 2 Low water thermostat As the water inside the boiler is consumed the temperature around the heater rises The low water thermostat switches the heater off and the red low water warning lamp lights up The heater is prevented from switching on again until the boiler has cooled down or it has bee...

Страница 12: ...eating element 1500 W E2 Heating element 750 W E3 Heating element iron 750 W MV1 Solenoid valve M1 Pump N1 Electronics T1 Transformer F1 Fuse C1 Capacitor X1 Mains plug X2 Plug coupling X3 Plug steam supply 8_XVge VT_ VbaaXVg ba Ib_gTZX I 6heeXag glcX q m Ib_gTZX Tg TaWZha I T af VbaaXVg ba VTU_X BeWXe ab 8H 6 5 4HF 6F4 67A 5E 67A CXeYbe TaVX WTgT XTgXe cbjXe Vbafh cg ba J Ch c J Tk bcXeTg aZ ceXf...

Страница 13: ...nik GmbH Sitz Winnenden 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen HRB Geschäftsführer Dr Bernhard Graf Hartmut Jenner Georg Metz en EU Declaration of Conformity We hereby declare that the equipment described below conforms to the relevant fundamental safety and health requirements of the appropriate EU Directives both in its basic design and construction as well as in the version marketed by us This declara...

Страница 14: ... Kärcher Reinigungstechnik GmbH Sitz Winnenden 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen HRB Geschäftsführer Dr Bernhard Graf Hartmut Jenner Georg Metz it Dichiarazione di conformità CE Dichiariamo con la presente che la macchina qui di seguito indicata in base alla sua concezione e al tipo di costruzione e nella versione da noi introdotta sul mercato è conforme ai relativi requisiti fondamentali di sicurez...

Страница 15: ...laración de conformidad de la Unión Europea Por la presente declaramos los abajo firmantes que la máquina designada a continuación cumple tanto por su concepción y clase de construcción como por la ejecución que hemos puesto en circulación las normas fundamentales de seguridad y protección de la salud formuladas en las directivas comunitarias correspondientes La presente declaración pierde su vali...

Страница 16: ...HRB Geschäftsführer Dr Bernhard Graf Hartmut Jenner Georg Metz el ÄÞëùóç Ðéóôüôçôáò ÅÊ Åìåßò äçëþíïõìå ìå ôçí ðáñïýóá üôé ôï ìç Üíçìá ðïõ áñáêôçñßæåôáé ðáñáêÜôù ëüãù ôïõ ó åäéáóìïý êáé ôïõ ôñüðïõ êáôáóêåõÞò üðùò êáé ëüãù ôçò ðáñáëëáãÞò ðïõ äéáôßèåôáé áðü ìáò óôçí áãïñÜ áíôáðïêñßíåôáé óôéò ó åôéêÝò âáóéêÝò áðáéôÞóåéò áóöáëåßáò êáé õãåßáò ôùí Ïäçãéþí ÅÊ Óå ðåñßðôùóç áëëáãþí óôï ìç Üíçìá ùñßò ðñïçãïý...

Страница 17: ...k GmbH Sitz Winnenden 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen HRB Geschäftsführer Dr Bernhard Graf Hartmut Jenner Georg Metz no EU KONFORMITETSERKLÆRING Vi erklærer herved at maskinen som er beskrevet nedenfor i konstruksjon og utførelse tilsvarer markedsførte modell og er i overensstemmelse med de gjeldende og grunnleggende sikkerhets og helsekrav i EU direktivet Denne erklæring mister sin gyldighet ders...

Страница 18: ...Winnenden 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen HRB Geschäftsführer Dr Bernhard Graf Hartmut Jenner Georg Metz fi EU vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus Me vakuutamme että alla mainittu tuote vastaa suunnittelultaan ja rakenteeltaan sekä valmistustavaltaan EU direktiivien asianomaisia turvallisuus ja terveysvaatimuksia Jos koneeseen tehdään muutoksia joista ei ole sovittu kanssamme tämä vakuutus ei ole enää vo...

Страница 19: ...69 Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin Kärcher Reinigungstechnik GmbH Sitz Winnenden 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen HRB Geschäftsführer Dr Bernhard Graf Hartmut Jenner Georg Metz cs Prohlá ení o konformitì Tímto prohla ujeme e dále oznaèený stroj odpovídá na základì své koncepce a konstrukèního provedení jako i od nás do provozu uvedených provedení pøíslu ným základním bezpeènostním a zdravotním...

Страница 20: ...artmut Jenner Georg Metz pl Deklaracja zgodno ci Wspólnoty Europejskiej EG Niniejszym o wiadczamy e ni ej okre lona maszyna od projektu poprzez konstrukcjê a do wersji wprowadzonej przez nas do u ytku spe nia obowi zuj ce podstawowe wymagania bezpieczeñstwa i higieny pracy wymienionych wytycznych EWG W przypadku wprowadzenia zmian w maszynie które nie zosta y z nami uzgodnione deklaracja ta traci ...

Страница 21: ...Declaraþie de conformitate a Comunitãþii Europene Prin prezenta declarãm cã maºina descrisã în continuare prin proiectare ºi model ca ºi prin realizarea tipului pus în circulaþie de noi corespunde prevederilor adecvate ºi fundamentale de siguranþã ºi protecþia sãnãtãþii ale Comunitãþii Europene menþionate mai jos În cazul efectuãrii unei modificãri care nu este aprobatã de noi aceastã declaraþie d...

Страница 22: ...e deðiþtirilmiþdir Kullanýlmýþ olan uyumlu standartlar DIN EN 60 335 1 DIN EN 60 335 2 79 DIN EN 55 014 1 2000 A1 2001 DIN EN 55 014 2 1997 DIN EN 61 000 3 2 2000 DIN EN 61 000 3 3 1995 A1 2001 Kullanýlmýþ olan milli standartlar TRD 801 Seri üretimden çýkan cihazlarýn daima AB yönetmeliklerine ve geçerli tüm standartlara uymasý dahili önlem ve uygulamalar sayesinde garanti edilmiþdir Imzalayan kiþ...

Страница 23: ... 700 0 CSA CDN 1 092 720 0 BR DE 4002 5 321 529 0 5 321 529 0 6 435 250 0 C 4 321 114 0 6 362 922 0 4 127 015 0 4 127 015 0 5 044 239 0 7 303 119 0 D D 6 362 922 0 08 04 2003 4 013 026 0 4 075 010 0 5 115 696 0 5 363 368 0 A 5 515 108 0 4 590 078 0 B 6 362 927 0 C A B ...

Страница 24: ...0 0 4 130 143 0 6 960 019 0 5 031 467 0 2 863 077 0 5 130 246 0 5 762 139 0 5 762 236 0 6 362 924 0 6 362 924 0 1 092 100 0 EUR 1 092 280 0 GB 1 092 290 0 CH 1 092 600 0 AUS 1 092 700 0 CSA CDN 1 092 720 0 BR DE 4002 27 03 2000 02 02 ...
