Charge Tracking Data
All IC650 Chargers record data such as amp hours returned, charge cycle completion or interruption, and the
charge profile being used. This data can be very useful in vehicle or machine diagnostics.
To retrieve this data, follow these steps:
1. After a charge cycle is complete, or the charger is disconnected from the battery pack, insert a USB flash drive
with at least 2MB of free space into the IC650 Charger’s USB hose port. The charger will automatically begin
to download the data, shown on the Fault/Error/USB Indicator with a flashing green light.
If you plan to download data from a large number of chargers, having more free space on your USB flash drive is
recommended. If you want to update the software on only some of your chargers, it is recommended that you use
separate USB flash drives for updating and downloading charge tracking data.
Figure 5, Insert the USB flash drive to begin the charge data download process. This step can be completed using
the same USB flash drive programmed to update the charger’s software. The process is completed when the USB
indicator is solid green, and no longer flashing.
2. The downloading process is complete when the Fault/Error/USB Indicator is solid green. The USB flash drive
can be removed from the charger.
86398780 Operator Manual iVac 24 ATV