User Information for Zytron
10. While sitting, insert feet into garment legs and down into sock
boots. Stretch legs out to maximum extension while pulling
garment up around hips.
11. Pull boot splash flaps up and don outer boots. Fold splash flaps
down over boots as far as possible.
12. While standing, with garment at waist level, don SCBA respirator
harness and back piece.
13. Don respirator face piece and check its function. To conserve
SCBA air supply, disconnect the air supply from the face piece, if
possible, as long as the wearer retains access to fresh air. In the
case of an airline breathing system, complete all connections and
14. Place one hand in the sleeve and pull garment sleeve to shoulder.
15. Place other in the opposite sleeve and repeat.
16. Put on gloves and attach to garment sleeves with ChemTape®.
17. Pull the garment over respirator backpack towards head, making
sure nothing will constrict or hamper air flow for your breathing
apparatus or airline.
18. Attach the SCBA regulator air supply to the face piece, activate
the air supply and ensure proper function of air supply before
closing the zipper. If using an airline breathing system, ensure
breathable air is now being supplied to the suit.
19. Have your assistant slowly close the gas-tight zipper closure.
After checking that the zipper is completely closed, the storm
flaps should be closed and sealed over the zipper closure.