4. Protecting Mail Systems
4.1. Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Microsoft Ex-
change Server. Main features
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Exchange is a centralized anti-virus system for mail
servers running Microsoft Exchange Server 5.x and 2000. The program pro-
vides centralized anti-virus filtering for the entire local and external e-mail traf-
fic in real-time as well as on a user demand.
E-mail anti-virus security
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Exchange integrates itself into the mail server as a
supplemental module and permanently checks for viruses in all e-mail mes-
sages in protected mailboxes and folders.
4.1.2. Protection
client workstations
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Exchange prohibits infected e-mail from entering
the Internet-connected workstations within your corporate network. You may