34 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
3.3. Removing Kaspersky
Administration Kit components
You can uninstall Kaspersky Administration Kit using both the
Uninstall Kasper-
sky Administration Kit
option under
Kaspersky Ad-
ministration Kit
and the standard Windows
Add / Remove Programs
This will start a wizard that will uninstall all application components (including
plugins) from the computer. In the event that you do not request that the wizard
remove the shared folder (KLShare), remove it manually after all the tasks it is
needed for are complete.
When you are removing the programs you will be offered to save a backup copy
of the Administration Server.
3.4. Updating the application version
In order to update Kaspersky Administration Kit versions 4.x and 5.0 (Planned
Update 1 and Planned Update 2) to later versions you have to uninstall the
previous version and install a new one as described in this Guide
When updating versions 5.0 (Planned Update 3) and 6.0 to a newer version, data
may be recovered out of a backup generated by an earlier version of the
application. To accomplish this, we recommend that you follow a procedure
described below:
Data restoration during the upgrade to a later application version is supported
starting with Kaspersky Administration Kit version 5.0 Maintenance Pack 3.
1. Using the
utility create a backup copy of the installed
Administration Server's data. This utility is included into the Kaspersky
Administration Kit distribution package and after the installation of the
Administration Server it is located in the root installation folder. Note that
in order to be able to fully restore the Administration Server data you have
to save the Server’s certificate. This is a mandatory setting for the
2. Run installation of the upgraded version of Kaspersky Administration Kit
6.0 on the computer on which the previous version of the Administration
Server and/or Console is installed. Upgrade the component. During the
upgrade all data and settings of the previous version of the Administration
Server and/or Console will be saved and made available in the new
version. Backward compatibility between the new and the old versions of