Article No.: 836017
Auf der Hub 2
D-76307 Karlsbad
Tel.: +49 7248 / 92 71 500
Fax: +49 7248 / 92 71 550
Mail: [email protected]
5. Operation
ON / OFF Button
Sleep Mode:
Stops the programs „Dynamic Mode“, „Fade“ oder „Flash“
Brightness adjustment in single color mode:
6 Grundfarben, 8 Szenenfarben
Speed adjustment in program mode:
„Dynamic Mode“, „Fade“ oder „Flash“
Press the button to lower the color temperature in a range of warm white:
3800-4000 K, 3400-3600 K, 3000-3300 K, 2600-2800 K, 2200-2600 K, 1900-2200 K, 1600-1900 K
Press the button to lower the color temperature in a range of cold white:
3800-4000 K, 4000-4500 K, 4500-5500 K, 5500-6500 K, 7000-8000 K, 8000-12000 K, >12000 K
DIY Buttons:
DIY1 - The selected single color is set as the upper color and is supplemented by a lower color by
pressing the DIY1 button several times.
DIY2 - The selected single color is set as the lower color and is supplemented by an upper color by
pressing the DIY2 button several times.
Supplemental colors in the order - red, green, blue, yellow, turquoise, purple, white
Standard Colors:
Red, Green, Blue,
Yellow, Cyan, Purple
Scene Colors:
Press the scene button once to toggle between the colors:
Sunglow, Afterglow, Skyblue, Bcloud,
Spring green, Summer blue, Autumn Golden, Winter Silver
By pressing the scene button twice, the fading mode goes into a fade mode whose speed you can
set as described above
Dynamic Buttons:
Fade8 - gentle 8 color change (Rot, Grün, Gelb, Türkis, Lila, Pink, White)
Flash8 - jumpy 8 color change (Rot, Grün, Gelb, Türkis, Lila, Pink, White)
The speed of the change can be adjusted as described above.