1. The QR code of your primary AR3030W is
missing or
unable to scan it with
your phone.
Tap Set up manually button and follow the
step-by-step instructions on the App to
connect your primary AR3030W to your
mobile phone.
2. The QR code of your additional AR3030W
is missing or
unable to scan it with
your mobile phone.
Enter a MAC address of your additional
AR3030W to connect your additional
AR3030W to your mobile phone.
3. The AR3030W
connect to the
The primary AR3030W should be plugged
into a power outlet, and then connected to
your home gateway, which is powered on. It
automatically turns into a master mode. And
additional AR3030W should not be
connected to the home gateway.
Common Setup Issues (1/2)
Here you can see help articles below.