KANSAI SPECIAL JJ Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27















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13-01 54-011

10-02 54-119

02-12 54-332

08-06 54-481

13-18 54-631

09-21 54-806

13-22 54-864

13-44 54-927

12-30 56-302

02-01 54-026

15-02 54-119

02-13 54-336

02-20 54-482

13-19 54-634

09-22 54-807

05-22 54-865

13-45 54-9300-1

12-31 56-309

13-02 54-028

02-06 54-121

02-14 54-337

06-11 54-484

13-20 54-636

09-23 54-808

13-23 54-866

12-27 54-931

12-32 56-311

05-01 54-031

11-01 54-121

02-15 54-338

08-07 54-485

09-17 54-639

09-24 54-809

13-24 54-867

13-46 54-935

16-18 56-355

21-01 54-036

13-05 54-121

02-16 54-339

07-15 54-486

09-18 54-640

09-25 54-810

13-25 54-868

13-47 54-936

16-19 56-356

21-02 54-037

16-06 54-121

02-17 54-342

06-12 54-489

11-11 54-642

09-26 54-811

13-26 54-869

13-48 54-937

20-23 56-416

21-03 54-038

05-03 54-123

11-04 54-343

07-16 54-489

11-12 54-645

09-27 54-812

17-07 54-871

13-49 54-938

15-18 56-765

21-04 54-039

09-06 54-123

12-07 54-343

13-15 54-490

08-09 54-652

09-28 54-813

17-08 54-872

13-50 54-939

15-19 56-766

21-05 54-040

12-03 54-123

06-04 54-345

07-17 54-491

11-13 54-672

09-29 54-814

17-09 54-873

20-06 54-9410-1

15-20 56-767

21-06 54-041

13-06 54-128

06-05 54-346

07-18 54-492

01-06 54-675

09-30 54-815

21-18 54-874

20-07 54-9420-1

15-21 56-768

21-07 54-042

16-07 54-128

06-06 54-347

07-19 54-493

06-13 54-757

10-13 54-816

21-19 54-875

20-08 54-946

03-19 56-813

21-08 54-043

20-03 54-128

06-07 54-349

12-16 54-494

06-14 54-7580-1

10-14 54-817

04-05 54-876

20-09 54-947

03-20 56-814

21-09 54-044

02-07 54-130

15-05 54-351

16-12 54-494

01-07 54-761

10-15 54-818

04-06 54-877

20-10 54-948

13-52 56-817

21-10 54-045

02-08 54-133

06-08 54-353

20-05 54-494

01-08 54-762

10-16 54-819

04-07 54-878

20-11 54-949

11-24 56-854

21-11 54-046

10-03 54-133

10-05 54-353

02-21 54-495

01-09 54-763

10-17 54-820

04-08 54-879

20-12 54-950

21-20 56-902

21-12 54-047

11-02 54-133

06-09 54-354

15-14 54-496

02-24 54-764

10-18 54-821

04-09 54-880

20-13 54-951

21-21 56-907

21-13 54-048

12-04 54-133

06-10 54-355

02-22 54-498

02-25 54-765

10-19 54-822

04-10 54-881

20-14 54-952

21-22 56-9100-1

13-03 54-049

13-07 54-133

02-18 54-359

15-15 54-499

02-26 54-766

10-20 54-823

04-11 54-882

20-15 54-953

21-23 56-912

13-04 54-051

15-03 54-133

20-04 54-359

10-06 54-500

02-27 54-767

10-21 54-824

17-10 54-883

05-24 54-954

18-01 56-913

14-01 54-053

05-04 54-136

02-19 54-362

15-16 54-501

02-28 54-768

10-22 54-825

11-20 54-884

05-25 54-955

18-02 56-914

14-02 54-056

03-03 54-142

12-08 54-364

16-13 54-501

02-29 54-769

10-23 54-826

08-14 54-886

05-26 54-956

21-24 56-951

14-03 54-057

12-05 54-143

12-09 54-3640-1

10-07 54-502

02-30 54-770

10-24 54-827

02-33 54-892

20-16 54-9570-1

21-25 56-952

21-14 54-058

02-09 54-144

12-10 54-365

17-04 54-506

02-31 54-771

10-25 54-828

09-38 54-893

20-17 54-958

21-26 56-953

09-01 54-060

21-16 54-146

12-11 54-372

12-17 54-510

02-32 54-772

10-26 54-829

09-39 54-894

20-18 54-959

21-27 56-954

09-02 54-063

07-03 54-147

12-12 54-377

05-06 54-514

03-05 54-773

10-27 54-830

09-40 54-895

20-19 54-960

19-09 56-9560-1

16-01 54-069

05-05 54-148

12-13 54-380

05-07 54-518

03-06 54-774

10-28 54-831

06-16 54-896

20-20 54-961

19-10 56-957

21-15 54-070

13-08 54-149

12-14 54-381

05-08 54-519

03-07 54-775

10-29 54-832

10-39 54-896

20-21 54-962

19-11 56-958

09-03 54-078

13-09 54-158

12-15 54-383

05-09 54-521

03-08 54-776

10-30 54-833

13-27 54-8970-1

20-22 54-963

19-12 56-959

19-01 54-078

19-08 54-159

13-14 54-391

05-10 54-522

03-09 54-777

10-31 54-834

13-28 54-898

06-17 54-964

19-13 56-961

20-01 54-078

12-06 54-160

07-05 54-392

05-11 54-523

03-10 54-778

10-32 54-835

13-29 54-899

06-18 54-9650-1

19-14 56-962

19-02 54-084

14-04 54-160

07-06 54-397

05-12 54-524

03-11 54-779

10-33 54-836

13-30 54-900

06-19 54-966

19-15 56-963

19-03 54-096

09-07 54-168

08-03 54-397

05-13 54-527

03-12 54-780

10-34 54-837

13-31 54-901

13-51 54-970

19-16 56-964

16-02 54-108

09-08 54-170

16-09 54-398

05-14 54-528

03-13 54-781

10-35 54-838

13-32 54-902

14-07 54-971

19-17 56-965

19-04 54-108

17-02 54-171

07-07 54-399

02-23 54-532

03-14 54-782

10-36 54-839

13-33 54-903

14-08 54-977

21-28 56-966

02-02 54-109

01-02 54-172

07-08 54-401

09-09 54-535

03-15 54-783

10-37 54-840

13-34 54-904

14-09 54-978

12-33 57-548

12-01 54-109

13-10 54-180

07-09 54-402

09-10 54-542

03-16 54-784

10-38 54-841

13-35 54-905

14-10 54-9790-1

12-34 57-549

02-03 54-111

21-17 54-180

07-10 54-404

09-11 54-545

05-17 54-785

09-31 54-842

13-36 54-906

14-11 54-9810-1

03-01 54-111

03-04 54-182

07-11 54-405

09-12 54-549

05-18 54-786

09-32 54-843

12-21 54-907

12-28 56-014

19-05 54-111

06-01 54-182

07-12 54-410

09-13 54-550

05-19 54-787

09-33 54-844

07-28 54-908

12-29 56-016

02-04 54-112

10-04 54-182

07-13 54-411

10-08 54-564

05-20 54-788

09-34 54-845

04-12 54-909

14-12 56-035

09-04 54-112

13-11 54-182

07-14 54-431

10-09 54-565

10-12 54-788

09-35 54-846

12-22 54-910

03-18 56-041

16-03 54-112

15-04 54-182

04-04 54-434

11-05 54-573

05-21 54-789

09-36 54-847

12-23 54-911

06-20 56-044

19-06 54-112

01-03 54-191

14-05 54-440

10-10 54-574

06-15 54-790

09-37 54-848

12-24 54-912

07-29 56-127

01-01 54-113

06-02 54-193

14-06 54-441

11-06 54-574

17-05 54-791

11-14 54-849

12-25 54-913

14-13 56-268

02-05 54-113

07-04 54-193

16-10 54-443

05-15 54-579

17-06 54-792

11-15 54-850

12-26 54-914

14-14 56-270

03-02 54-113

17-03 54-193

16-11 54-444

05-16 54-580

07-21 54-793

11-16 54-851

13-37 54-915

06-21 56-293

09-05 54-113

06-03 54-195

15-06 54-452

11-07 54-583

07-22 54-794

11-17 54-852

13-38 54-916

11-21 56-293

12-02 54-113

07-02 54-195

15-07 54-454

11-08 54-585

07-23 54-795

11-18 54-853

13-39 54-917

06-22 56-294

15-01 54-113

08-02 54-195

15-08 54-456

11-09 54-587

07-24 54-796

11-19 54-854

05-23 54-918

10-42 56-294

16-04 54-113

11-03 54-195

15-09 54-464

09-14 54-590

07-25 54-797

12-18 54-855

13-40 54-918

11-22 56-294

17-01 54-113

13-12 54-195

01-04 54-468

09-15 54-596

07-26 54-798

12-19 54-856

13-41 54-919

06-23 56-295

19-07 54-113

13-13 54-280

01-05 54-469

09-16 54-597

07-27 54-7990-1

12-20 54-857

03-17 54-920

07-30 56-295

20-02 54-113

02-10 54-309

15-10 54-473

10-11 54-597

08-10 54-800

15-17 54-858

10-40 54-921

08-15 56-295

05-02 54-114

02-11 54-314

15-11 54-474

13-16 54-597

08-11 54-801

16-14 54-859

13-42 54-922

09-42 56-295

10-01 54-114

16-08 54-317

15-12 54-475

07-20 54-5990-1

08-12 54-802

16-15 54-860

09-41 54-9230-1

10-43 56-295

16-05 54-114

04-01 54-321

15-13 54-476

08-08 54-5990-1

08-13 54-803

16-16 54-861

10-41 54-9240-1

11-23 56-295

07-01 54-119

04-02 54-322

08-04 54-478

11-10 54-6000-1

09-19 54-804

16-17 54-862

17-11 54-9250-1

02-34 56-297

08-01 54-119

04-03 54-323

08-05 54-480

13-17 54-625

09-20 54-805

13-21 54-863

13-43 54-926

09-43 56-297

Содержание JJ Series

Страница 1: ...PARTS LIST INSTRUCTION Industrial Sewing Machines 2019 年 07 月 第二版 発行 Second edition July 2019 No KX19008 JJ50 ...

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Страница 27: ...56 957 21 15 54 070 13 08 54 149 12 14 54 381 05 08 54 519 03 07 54 775 10 29 54 832 10 39 54 896 20 21 54 962 19 11 56 958 09 03 54 078 13 09 54 158 12 15 54 383 05 09 54 521 03 08 54 776 10 30 54 833 13 27 54 8970 1 20 22 54 963 19 12 56 959 19 01 54 078 19 08 54 159 13 14 54 391 05 10 54 522 03 09 54 777 10 31 54 834 13 28 54 898 06 17 54 964 19 13 56 961 20 01 54 078 12 06 54 160 07 05 54 392 ...


Страница 29: ...J JJ J s se er ri ie es s INSTRUCTION Industrial Sewing Machines First edition July 2016 No KX16017 JJ50 ...

Страница 30: ...e on this machine 2 Before operating the machine check the pulley cover and safety cover etc 3 Before adjusting cleaning threading the machine or replacing the needles be sure to turn off the power 4 Never operate the machine with no oil in the reservoir 5 Refer to the parts list as well as this instruction manual before the preventive maintenance 6 The contents described in this instruction manua...

Страница 31: ... 10 6 2 Clearance between lower looper and needle 10 7 UPPER LOOPER ADJUSTMENT 7 1 Gauge of upper looper and needle 11 7 2 Looper relation 11 8 FEED DOG STITCH LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 8 1 Feed dog height adjustment 12 8 2 Feed dog inclination adjustment 12 8 3 Stitch length adjustment 13 8 4 Differential feed dog adjustment 13 9 PRESSER FOOT ADJUSTMENT 9 1 Presser foot pressure adjustment 14 9 2 Positio...

Страница 32: ... Nm75 11 JJ5014GE 01H Nm75 11 JJ5014GS 90M Nm65 9 1 2 Needle replacement When replacing needles make sure that needle scarf faces backward from the operator s view point Refer to the illustration on the right 2 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 1 3 Correct threading the machine Thread the machine correctly by referring to the illustrations below Incorrect threading causes skipped stitch thread breakage an...

Страница 33: ...5200 6300 110 5800 6900 120 6300 7500 4 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 3 LUBRICATION 3 1 Oil specification Kansai Special s genuine oil is highly recommended Parts number 54 045 700cc 3 2 Oiling Lubrication Take the Oil Pot A and fill the machine with the genuine oil until the indicator reaches the line H in the oil gauge B Most of the time fill up the oil until the indicator appears between the line H...

Страница 34: ... 5 Oiling HR device Oil in use Kansai Special s genuine silicon oil is highly recommended Parts number 28 612 20cc Oiling process Fill the silicon oil reservoir with Kansai Special s genuine oil Periodical oil reservoir check is essential to prevent needle thread breakage and fabric damage 6 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 4 INSTSLLATION 4 1 Table diagram Semi submerged table Standard ...

Страница 35: ...nsion Roller set 8 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 4 2 Installation process Refer to the illustration below Install the frame support plate underneath the table Fit the rubber cushions onto the frame support plate Mount the machine head on the rubber cushions correctly ...

Страница 36: ...6 LOWER LOOPER AND NEEDLE TIMING 6 1 Distance between lower looper and needle The distance is relation between the looper and the needle when the lower looper is at the extreme left of its travel Distance varies according to models Refer to the illustration below Before adjustment loosen the screw A JJ5004 JJ5005 JJ5014 6 2 Clearance between the point of the lower looper and the center of the need...

Страница 37: ...01M 4 4 4 7 10 9 JJ5005GS 10M 4 4 4 7 10 9 JJ5004GE 01H 4 4 4 7 11 5 JJ5014GH 01M 5 4 5 7 10 6 JJ5014GE 01H 5 4 5 7 11 1 JJ5014GS 90M 4 9 5 2 10 7 Upper looper Lower looper 12 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 8 FEED DOG STITCH LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 8 1 Feed dog height adjustment When the feed dogs are at the highest point of travel 2 or 3 teeth from the back of the main feed dog have to rise 0 8 1 0mm a abov...

Страница 38: ... spot C makes a stretching ratio Gathering ratio for stretching Bring the lever B at higher than spot C makes a gathering ratio Note Check if the motor stops completely before you change the stitch length Note When applying a stretching ratio be sure that the differential feed dog is in the right position 14 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 9 PRESSER FOOT ADJUSTMENT 9 1 Presser foot pressure adjustment M...

Страница 39: ... by referring to below illustration when the needle take up is at its extreme position to the bottom JJ5004 JJ5005 JJ5014 出荷時は調整済みです Already adjusted 出荷時は調整済みです Already adjusted 7 7 合わします Adjust 合わします Adjust 16 J JJ J s se er ri ie es s 10 3 Looper thread take up adjustment The below table is the dimension when the lower looper is at the right position 504 505 514 504 514 504 514 Stitch type S H H...

Страница 40: ... K to the top surface of needle plate by turn the handwheel Loosen the screw F Lower knife E is cross with upper knife C by a spring After all tighten screw F securely 11 2 Lower knife sharpening The upper knife is made of super hard compound metals When the knife gets blunt and cannot cut clean it needs to be sharpened like the illustration on the right When sharpening doesn t work anymore replac...

Страница 41: ...s s 13 SPECIFICATION JJ50 型 式 MODEL JJ5004GS 01M 10 5 3 8 4 4 4 7 0 8 5 0 JJ5005GS 10M 5 5 JJ5004GE 01H 11 9 4 2 1 0 7 0 JJ5014GH 01M 10 5 3 8 5 4 5 7 0 8 5 5 JJ5014GE 01H 11 9 4 2 1 0 7 0 JJ5014GS 90M 10 5 3 8 4 9 5 2 0 8 5 5 ...

Страница 42: ...cial de MORIMOTO SINGAPORE PTE LTD NO 51 PENJURU ROAD 02 02 SINGAPORE 609143 TEL 65 6334 1305 FAX 65 6334 1365 E MAIL info kansaispecial com sg MORIMOTO INDIA LIAISON OFFICE NO 11 SENTHILL NAGAR PERRIYAR COLONY AVINASHI ROAD TIRUPUR INDIA 641601 TEL 91 421 4248229 FAX 91 421 4286600 Tech Support TEL 91 770 8300100 E MAIL india kansaispecial com sg MORIMOTO BANGLADESH LIAISON OFFICE FLAT 2 B HOUSE ...
