KANNAD 406 AF / AF-H / AF (6D)
PAGE: 205
JUN 23/2008
• Verify that the ELT identification label matches the aircraft tail number.
• Mount the transmitter on the bracket.
• Slide the self-stripping strap thought the buckle and fasten it tightly.
Figure 203: Installing the transmitter on the bracket
• Connect the outside antenna to the BNC connector (
Installation, controls and connectors
Note regarding the outside antenna: The installation of the outside
antenna is not covered by this manual. Refer to antenna
manufacturer's instructions. If the aircraft is not metallic, the antenna
should be mounted on a metallic counterpart.
• Connect the Remote Control Panel (or CS144) to the DIN12 connector
Refer to Figure 204: Installation, controls and connectors
) as shown
Figure 2: ELT system description page 3
Refer to Figure 204: Installation, controls and
Figure 204: Installation, controls and connectors
• Perform the first power up procedure (
Refer to 4. First power up, page