User manual WC
17 of 20
11 Activating or deactivating the remote control
Enter the menu
selections by pressing the blue down arrow presses and simultaneously press the
minus button.
Leave the menus
by pressing the alarm button.
Activating and deactivating of the
remote control can only be mane on the
control unit.
Can only be done in standby mode.
Stand by screen
Picture shows activate remote control.
Moving the red marker
Move with the plus button.
The Red rectangle in the picture shows
entry to status screen.
To go back to stand by, press the alarm
Move the red marker with the + button
to the Settings menu and press start
stop button.
First row: Remote connected or not.
Change value with + or
Exit by pressing the alarm button.
Other options.
Second row: Background illumination.
The unit will dim the display if not
touched for a while.
means that
background illumination is always on at
Third row: Selection of temperature