Mix a small amount of epoxy, using a toothpick
work the epoxy thoroughly into the hinge slots.
With a paper towl moistened with alcohol wipe the
excess off leaving only epoxy in the slots. Slide the
hinges into the slots until the pivot bottoms, epoxy
the control surface slots the same way, slide on the
control surface and allow to cure.
Apply a ¼-inch bead of RTV silicone around the
fuel tank stopper. Slide the tank up against the rear
of the firewall. Hold the tank firmly against the
firewall while you tighten the screw in the stopper.
Work a small amount of silicone around the tank
inside the fuselage at the bulkhead.
Tie a loop in a long piece of string to pinch the
elevator control rod wire to the width of the
fuselage. Slide the control rod down the fuselage,
line the wire up with the slots in the fuselage side.
Pull the string to release the wire through the slots.
Install the rudder control rod.
Screw on the supplied clevises so the rod just
passes through. Attach the bellcrank to the clevis.
With the control surface straight, align the bellcrank
so the clevis attach holes are directly in line with
the hinge pivot. Secure the bellcrank to the control
surface with the supplied screws. Remove each
screw coat with epoxy and reinstall.
Hold the control surface straight, mark the wire at
the servo arm and install with a Z bend. Repeat the
procedure for the other control rod.
Check the length of your servo wire against the
wing, if necessary add a 6-inch extension {tape the
extension to the servo lead to prevent it from
separating in the wing}. Tie the servo lead to the
pull string and work it through the wing. Install the