Speed Control
The speed control is located between the
handle grips. When starting either manual
or remote mode, it is recommended that the
speed be set so that the white bar indicates
a typical walking speed.
When you turn power on, there will be a gradual acceleration to the set speed. To avoid
runaways we recommend starting at a low speed before turning on the power. If the speed
is set all the way down, the unit is still powered, but will not move.
Once you are under way, set the speed to suit your walking pace.
Auto Brake and Downhill Travel
Much like an automobile can be slowed by shifting to a lower gear, the caddie can be
slowed down by slowing the speed setting when it is accelerating downhill due to gravity.
If the slope is extremely steep, turning the function switch OFF as you go downhill will slow
the caddie down.
When stopping on a hill, turn the caddie
sideways. There is no “parking brake”.