User's Manual
K&F ‘SW’ Series Subwoofer Systems
KLING & FREITAG GMBH ©1998 - 2015
Version 5.1, 29.05.2015
Page 16 of 16
SW 215E ‘Suspension’: Using the allsafe Flying Track
The subwoofer SW 215E with suspension option may only be suspended by using the
double stud fittings available from Kling & Freitag. The ‘allsafe JUNGFALK’ flying tracks
are used to suspend the SW 215E system.
We recommend using the certified Click & Fly Line 212 / SW 215E rigging system for
suspending the SW 212E.
The ‘allsafe JUNGFALK’ flying track can only support weights up to 73 kg on
one point!
Please follow the accompanying safety and assembly instructions carefully.
Double Stud Fitting
Used as fastener to the ‘allsafe
JUNGFALK’ Flying Point and the
‘allsafe JUNGFALK’ Flying Track.
‘allsafe JUNGFALK’ Flying Track
Receptacle for the double stud fit-
Align the double stud fitting as
shown above and push it into the
... slide the pushed double stud fitting
to the middle of the speaker until it
clicks into place. Make sure that it is
secured tightly.