Amigo — Manual
Autopilot Vertical Modes
Press on a NAV button while the horizontal navigation mode is active
disengages the roll servo motor.
Short press on AP button on Joyu control stick.
If for any reason any of the limiting parameters is not withing valid limits,
Amigo will automatically disengage servo motors and it will display a warning.
Autopilot Vertical Modes
Default vertical mode is Altitude Hold mode, which will be displayed every
time Amigo powers up.
Altitude Hold (ALT)
Altitude Hold mode (ALT) engages pitch servo motor to maintain selected
reference altitude value.
If for any reason any of the limiting parameters is not withing valid limits,
Amigo will automatically disengage servo motors and it will display a warning.
When ALT mode is inactive the first increment/decrement of the ALT knob
sets current altitude value (it rounds it to nearest 10 ft) as a reference altitude
hold value and engages pitch servo motor. Any following rotation of the knob
changes the reference altitude value:
Reference altitude value can take values from 0 to 20000 ft with 10 ft
Rotating the ALT knob clockwise increments reference altitude value.
Rotating the ALT knob counterclockwise decrements reference altitude
Moderate rotation of the ALT knob gives 10 ft/step change.
Rapid rotation of the ALT knob gives 100 ft/step change.
Short press on ALT knob pauses altitude hold mode (if altitude hold mode
is engaged) and disengages pitch servo motor. Another short press on ALT
knob reengages pitch servo motor with previous reference altitude value.
ALT mode has an additional parameter vertical speed (VS) which defines the
maximum vertical speed which Amigo will use to maintain or climb/descent