Attach the metal clips on the awning to the leg pole
(7). Continue with the other poles. It may make
assembly easier if you loosely guy out the two end
poles as you progress. When all the legs are in
position take the aluminium stretcher pole with the
clamps and thread it through the outer horizontal
sleeve just above the windows (8). This pole goes
over any central upright poles. Once threaded
through, attach both ends to the far upright poles.
Make sure the pole is tensioned with the adjustment
available (9). Take the other stretcher bar with the
plastic ends inside the awning and place it in the
pockets found in the middle of the roof. Make sure
the pole is tensioned (10).
Ensure that the
thumbscrews are positioned in such a way that
the metal screw is not in contact with the awning
Tie any tie tapes to this pole.
Go outside, close all doors and entrances. Peg the
rear corners of the awning. The awning wall should
be vertical and the pegging point should be pulled
slightly under the caravan (11) to ensure a good seal
between awning and caravan. It may be necessary
to shorten the front legs to achieve this. The pegging
points have a range of possible pegging options.
Select a point that puts the awning under tension but
without over stressing. Once the rear corners have
been pegged, peg each front corner (12). It is
necessary to pull each pegging point diagonally to
create tension in the awning. It may also be
necessary to adjust the length of the leg using the
adjusting clamps (13). Peg the intermediate pegging
points, pegging the points either side of doorways
first. These doorways should be cross pegged - the
points should be pulled across each other. Once
completed the awning should look taut without too
many creases - if necessary readjust the pegging and
adjust the height of the legs and tensioning strap.