SC 47493 - 200605
In accordance with the recipe that you are using, you can select
different heat modes: LOW (Low cooking setting), HIGH (High
cooking setting) or WARM.
The LOW heat setting gently simmers food for an extended period
without overcooking or burning. No stirring is required when using this
setting. It is ideal for vegetable dishes.
Although the HIGH setting accelerates cooking, it remains slow when
compared to a classic cooking mode. Your food may simmer gently,
allowing the ingredients to give off their flavor. The HIGH heat setting
will cook food in one hour compared to 1 ½ or 2 hours required for
the LOW heat setting. As food will nearly boil when cooked on the
HIGH heat setting, it may be necessary to add extra liquid,
depending on the recipe and the amount of time in which it is
cooked. Occasional stirring of stews and casseroles will improve the
flavor distribution. Food should be monitored when using the high
setting, just like cooking in a pot with a lid on.
You can also use the HIGH setting for the first couples of hours of
cooking and then switch back to the LOW setting for the remainder
of the cooking.
Using the WARM position, the slow cooker will keep the food at
serving temperature after cooking, at approx. 75°C/165°F. Do not use
this setting to cook food.
To avoid over or under-cooking, always fill the stoneware ½ to ¾ full
to conform to recommended cook times (with the exception of
certain cakes and custards).
Always cook, with the lid on, for the recommended time. Do not
remove the lid during the first two hours of cooking.
Removable stoneware is ovenproof and microwave safe. Do not use
removable stoneware on gas or electric burner or under broiler. Refer
to chart under Cleaning and Care.
To prolong the appliance's lifespan and to protect the slow cooker,
we advise you not to create thermal shocks during use. For example,
never pour boiling liquid on cold ingredients. Inversely, never put