The test has
no value
if paused
If the test is interrupted before you have covered the 2,000m, the MAS calculation cannot be completed.
12� How to use guiding
200 m
Your watch can guide you along a pre-specified route. The “my race” display lets you see your position in terms of the route and the
distance from the next way-point.
The my route display is available each time the guiding function is activated:
In free mode when you choose a route.
In the challenge mode with route.
In the self-challenge mode.
When you choose “go back” after pausing your session, irrespective of the mode being used.
When you use the safety option to return to the beginning of a route.
When the guiding function is not activated, the my route display is not available.
12�1� Create and select a route
12�1�1� Create a route
There are two ways of creating a route:
A route consists of a series of guiding points also called way-points linked to each other by straight lines.
Guiding simply consists of taking the user from one point to another.
There are two ways of creating a route:
- using Geonaute software.
- using a previous session.
When you create your own route using Geonaute software, it is up to you to specify where these points are positioned. Ideally, they should be placed only
when there are changes of direction. As you create and use the route, you will gradually learn how best to position the guiding points.
It’s important not to create too many points so that the route doesn’t become boring with too much useless information.
But you mustn’t create too few either as the route must clearly indicate the road and paths that you have to cover.
When your Kalenji watch creates the route, it positions the key points of the route using your previously saved session.
12�1�1�1� Using Geonaute software
Install Geonaute software available from the following website:
Download the instructions for the software from the following address:
Please consult section 3, chapter 11 on software information.
12�1�1�2� Using a previously saved session
In the main menu, choose library, my workouts. Choose the session with the route that you want to use. Press the key until you select
“create route” and press
The route from this session has been created. It is stored in the library, my routes.
12�1�1�2�1� Select a route
One the route is created, select “route” either at the start of the free session mode or the race mode with route.
Choose your route from the available list using the and keys then press the
new route
my routes
Grand tour