KA900 Voyager MAX Emergency Radio
User’s Manual
KA900 Voyager MAX Emergency Radio
User’s Manual
Listening to the Recorded Files
Music Play
State of Play. Play , Pause
Length of the Music Track
Playing Length of the Current Music Track
Music Equalizer Mode Indicator
Repeat Mode Indicator
Series Number of the Music Tracks
Total of the Music Tracks
Recorded Track Number
or Lyrics (If included)
The Bar Chart of the 9 Segment Equalizer
Select the [Music] mode in Main Menu and into the MP3 Player function, all recorded files and
current music track of numbers can be displayed on the LCD screen.
Use the Tuning dial knob or the [ + ] and [ - ] buttons to select you desired recorded files and
playback. You can also enter the series number of the music track through the numeric buttons
to directly select the playback you want. More operation information to refer the Music Play
When the radio is inserted a Micro-SD card in the slot, you can use the radio's music player to
playback audio tracks such as MP3, WAV or WMA format files.
Select the [Music] function in the main menu mode, press the [MENU] botton to into the music
play mode. The LCD screen will be shows the information of the music tracks.
In the radio play or other mode, press the [Radio|MP3] button to swtch to the music play mode.
In any case, you can use your favorite way into the music player mode or other.
Play or Pause functions
When you into the music play mode, the current music track will be playing automatically.
Adjust the radio’s volume to an appropriate level to listen ot you want. Press the [ ] button
to repeat select the state of play such as play or pause.
When the music tracks is played, press the [ ] button will pause the music playback, press the
[ ] button again to resume the music playback.
Fast Forward and Backward Functions
When playing the music tracks, press the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select the previous or next
the music track.
When playing a music track, press and hold the [ ] or [ ] buttons to fast backward or fast
forward within the current music track playback. The time length of the currently playing
music track at the top left of the LCD screen changes rapidly.
Choose the Music Tracks
In the music play mode, at the above of the LCD screen are four sets of numbers that indicate
the total number of music tracks, the series number of the currently playing music track, the
length of the currently playing music track, and the progress of the currently playing music
Use the Tuning dial knob or the [ ] and [ ] buttons to select you desired music track files
and playback. When you are making your choice, watch for changes in the serial number of the
currently selected music track at the top right of the LCD screen.
You can also enter the series number of the music track through the numeric buttons to directly
select the playback you want. Enter the serial number of the 4-digit music track directly using
the numeric buttons, and the music player will play the music track of your choice while waiting
for a little while.
For example:
If you want to select the music serial number as 0009 to play, continuous typing the 0,0,0 and 9
four figures with the numeric buttons, as shown in the figure, after a little while, the music
player will start playing your choice of music tracks.
If you want to play the music tracks directly, enter the number is not continuous or less than
four, this feature will not be completed automatically.
This radio can manage as many as 9999 music track files and up to 32G of storage space.