Online operation with firmware option Access Manager
Putting the standalone access control into operation (without host system) With LEGIC
With the standalone access control, only the LEGIC stamp (i.e. the segment search key) is
For authorized access, a stamp on the user media must match the programmed segment search
key in the remote or compact reader.
Only 1 segment search key can be used or programmed.
Putting into operation:
1. Perform a factory reset on the remote or compact reader
2. Program Master A media (LEGIC ISO 14443A only) on the remote or compact reader with a
- Successful programming is signaled by 3 short beeps
- The remote or compact reader is now ready
1. Book with a LEGIC user media with corresponding stamp (LEGIC prime, ISO 14443A
or ISO 15693)
2. Access is granted if the programmed segment search key matches a stamp in the user media
The standalone access control is canceled as soon as the remote or compact reader is
connected to a parent control unit
Only events (max. 2000) are transmitted after connection with a parent control unit. The time
and date stamps are, however, no longer correct, i.e. invalid With
Only the site key or the fabrication key, respectively, is checked with standalone access control; the
fabrication key is not replaced as a result.
For authorized access, the site key on the user media must match the programmed site key in the
remote or compact reader.
Up to 8 site keys can be used or programmed, respectively.
Putting into operation:
1. Perform a factory reset on the remote or compact reader
2. Program security card C on the remote or compact reader with a booking
- Successful programming is signaled by 3 short beeps
- The remote or compact reader is now ready
1. Book with a MIFARE user media with corresponding site key (MIFARE DESFire or MIFARE
2. Access is granted if the programmed site key matches a site key in the user media
The standalone access control is canceled as soon as the remote or compact reader is
connected to a parent control unit.
Bookings and events (max. 2000) are transmitted after connection with the parent control unit.
The time and date stamps are, however, no longer correct, i.e. invalid.