MOST150 C-O Converter
Revision 1.0 (06-17-13)
K2L MOST150 C-O Converter V1.0
Chapter 5 Typical Use Case - Connection Diagram
below shows the connection diagram for a typical use case.
Figure 5.1 Typical Use Case: Connection Diagram
The instructions below describe how the MOST150 C-O Converter can be connected:
1. Power off all devices.
2. Connect the coaxial electrical panel of the MOST150 C-O Converter to a MOST150 system using
the delivered coaxial cable
3. Connect an optical MOST150 device (e.g., an OptoLyzer OL3150o or OptoLyzer MOCCA compact
V3.1) to the optical panel of the MOST150 C-O Converter using the delivered, very short MOST
4. In case an OptoLyzer OL3150o (or OptoLyzer MOCCA compact V3.1) is used as optical MOST150
device, connect the delivered power adapter cable with the power supply pack
of the OptoLyzer
OL3150o (or OptoLyzer MOCCA compact V3.1) as shown in
Alternatively if neither an OptoLyzer OL3150o nor an OptoLyzer MOCCA compact V3.1 is used,
connect a power supply pack that has to be ordered separately (not part of shipment). Proceed
with step
5. Connect both OptoLyzer OL3150o (or OptoLyzer MOCCA compact V3.1)
and the MOST150
C-O Converter
with the delivered power adapter cable as shown in
6. Power the devices.
MOST150 System (cPHY)
OptoLyzer OL3150o
MOST150 Device
MOST150 Device
MOST150 Device
C-O Converter
Short MOST Cable
(Part of Shipment)
12 V Power
(e.g., Power Supply of
the OptoLyzer OL3150o)
Power Adapter Cable
(Part of Shipment)