KNX Gateway for IR
5.2 Parameter window “General setting”
Fig.5.2“General setting” parameter window
Parameter “Send cycle of “In operation”telegram [1...240s, 0 = inactive]”
This parameter is for setting the time interval when this module cycle send telegrams through the
bus to indicate this module in normal operation. When set to “0”, the object “in operation” will not send
a telegram. If the setting is not “0”, the object “In operation” will send a telegram according to the set
period time with logic “1” to the bus. Options:
0...240s, 0= inactive
As to reduce the bus load as much as possible, the maximum time interval should be selected
according to actual needs.
Channel setting
Parameter “Channel x function”(x=1, 2)
This parameter is for setting the channel function of KNX gateway for IR. Options:
Universal IR control
Air-condition control
Note: When channel 1 is set as Air-condition control, and channel 2 is only set as Universal IR
control; If channel 1 is set as Universal IR control, and channel 2 can be set as Air-condition control or
Universal IR control.