JVC GET0143-001A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 43



























Amplifier /  






The fuse blows.

* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

Power cannot be turned on.

* Is the yellow lead connected?

No sound from the speakers.

* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

Sound is distorted.

* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded

in common?

Unit becomes hot.

* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded

in common?

You can connect an amplifier to upgrade your car
stereo system.
• Connect the remote lead (blue with white stripe) to

the remote lead of the other equipment so that it
can be controlled through this unit.

• Connect this unit’s line-out terminals to the

amplifier’s line-in terminals.

Disconnect the speakers from this unit,
connect them to the amplifier. Leave the
speaker leads of this unit unused. (Cover the
terminals of these unused leads with
insulating tape, as illustrated above.)

Connections Adding Other Equipment / 



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Twist the core wires when connecting.


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• To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.


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Connecting the leads / 



µËÕ “¬µ–°—Ë«


PRECAUTIONS on power supply
and speaker connections:

DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the
power cord to the car battery; otherwise, the
unit will be seriously damaged.

• Connect the black lead (ground), yellow lead (to

car battery, constant 12 V), and red lead (to an
accessory terminal) correctly.

• BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the

power cord to the speakers, check the speaker
wiring in your car.

 If the speaker wiring in your car is as

illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 below,


connect the unit using that original speaker
wiring. If you do, the unit will be seriously
Redo the speaker wiring so that you can
connect the unit to the speakers as illustrated in
Fig. 3.

 If the speaker wiring in your car is as

illustrated in Fig. 3,

 you can connect the unit

using the original speaker wiring in your car.

– If you are not sure of the speaker wiring of your

car, consult your car dealer.

Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)


 “¬‡§‡∫‘≈ —≠≠“≥ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Rear speakers




Front speakers



To automatic antenna if any


µËÕ‡¢È“°—∫‡ “Õ“°“»Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘ ∂È“¡’

Y-connector (not supplied with this unit)





Blue with white stripe



Remote lead



*2 : Firmly attach the ground wire to the metallic body or to

the chassis of the car—to the place not coated with paint
(if coated with paint, remove the paint before attaching
the wire). Failure to do so may cause damage to the unit.

*2 :




*2 :

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JVC Amplifier



‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC

Front speakers



JVC Amplifier



‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC

Solder the core wires to connect them securely.


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You can connect another power amplifier for front speakers.


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Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 1












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30/1/03, 4:46 PM


Содержание GET0143-001A

Страница 1: ...GET0143 001A U INSTRUCTIONS π π CD RECEIVER KD SC945 ENGLISH For installation and connections refer to the separate manual 0 ÿ Ÿ ŸË Õ Ë µË ßÀ π µ µ Èß ËÕ µËÕ ËÕß Ëπ CD KD SC945 CD KD SC945 KD SC945 ...

Страница 2: ...e specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure How to use the M MODE button If you press M MODE the unit goes into functions mode then the number buttons and 5 buttons work as different function buttons Ex When number button 2 works as MO monaural button To use these buttons for original functions again after pressing M MODE wait for 5 seconds without pressing any of these buttons u...

Страница 3: ...CD playback modes 21 Playing a CD Text 22 Prohibiting disc ejection 22 MP3 INTRODUCTION 23 What is MP3 23 How are MP3 files recorded and played back 23 MP3 OPERATIONS 25 Playing an MP3 disc 25 Locating a file or a particular portion on an MP3 disc 26 Selecting MP3 playback modes 28 SOUND ADJUSTMENTS 29 Selecting preset sound modes C EQ custom equalizer 29 Adjusting the sound 30 OTHER MAIN FUNCTION...

Страница 4: ...n r Display window t EQ equalizer button y MO monaural button u RPT repeat button i RND random button o Number buttons T TP PTY traffic programme programme type button a CD button s down button 10 button Display window d LOUD loudness indicator f EQ equalizer indicator g CD in indicator h CD indicator j FM band indicators FM1 FM2 FM3 k AM band indicator l Tuner reception indicators MO monaural ST ...

Страница 5: ...n MP3 disc Each time you press the button you can move to the next folder and start playing the first file 6 Selects the source Each time you press the button the source changes 7 Functions the same as the control dial on the main unit Note These buttons do not function for the preferred setting mode adjustment 1 Turns on the unit if pressed when the unit is turned off Turns off the unit if presse...

Страница 6: ...cause the battery to give off heat crack or start a fire CAUTION DO NOT leave the remote controller in a place such as dashboards exposed to direct sunlight for a long time Otherwise it may be damaged Preparing the remote controller Before using the remote controller Aim the remote controller directly at the remote sensor on the main unit Make sure there is no obstacle in between Do not expose the...

Страница 7: ...the previous volume level press the button briefly again If you turn the control dial you can also restore the sound To turn off the power Press and hold for more than one second SEE YOU appears then the unit turns off If you turn off the power while listening to a disc disc play will start from where playback has been stopped previously next time you turn on the power CAUTION on Volume Setting Di...

Страница 8: ...To check the current clock time or change the display mode Press DISP display repeatedly Each time you press the button the display changes as follows During tuner operation Note For the indication change during RDS operation see page 17 During disc operation Notes While playing a conventional CD NO NAME appears for the disc title performer and the track title For indication change while playing a...

Страница 9: ...stops To search stations of lower frequencies To search stations of higher frequencies Selected band appears Lights up when receiving an FM stereo broadcast with sufficient signal strength To stop searching before a station is received press the same button you have pressed for searching Searching a station manually Manual search 1 Select the band FM1 3 AM Each time you press the button the band c...

Страница 10: ...tion stored in number button 1 will be automatically tuned in SSM appears then disappears when automatic preset is over 3 Tune in to a station you want while M manual is flashing If you release your finger from the button the manual mode will automatically turns off after 5 seconds If you hold down the button the frequency keeps changing in 50 kHz intervals for FM and 9 kHz for AM MW LW until you ...

Страница 11: ...ds Notes A previously preset station is erased when a new station is stored in the same preset number Preset stations are erased when the power supply to the memory circuit is interrupted for example during battery replacement If this occurs preset the stations again Tuning in to a preset station You can easily tune in to a preset station Remember that you must store stations first If you have not...

Страница 12: ...listen to the same programme in its finest reception no matter where you drive See the illustration on page 18 Two types of the RDS data are used to make Network Tracking Reception work correctly PI Programme Identification and AF Alternative Frequency Without receiving these data correctly from the RDS station you are listening to Network Tracking Reception will not operate To use Network Trackin...

Страница 13: ... announcement TRAFFIC appears on the display and this unit automatically tunes in to the station The volume changes to the preset TA volume level see page 17 and the traffic announcement can be heard If the TP indicator flashes TA Standby Reception is not yet activated since the station being received does not provide the signals used for TA Standby Reception To activate TA Standby Reception you n...

Страница 14: ...source is FM the PTY indicator either lights up or flashes If the PTY indicator lights up PTY Standby Reception is activated If a station starts broadcasting the selected PTY programme this unit automatically tunes in to the station If the PTY indicator flashes PTY Standby Reception is not yet activated since the station being received does not provide the signals used for PTY Standby Reception To...

Страница 15: ...ge 16 To store your favorite programme types 1 Press and hold T TP PTY for more than 2 seconds while listening to an FM station 2 Select one of the twenty nine PTY codes See page 18 Selected code name appears on the display 3 Press and hold the number button for more than 2 seconds to store the PTY code selected into the preset number you want MEMORY and the selected code name alternate on the dis...

Страница 16: ...n is broadcasting Programme search The unit takes some time to tune in to another station using programme search To activate programme search follow the procedure below See also Changing the general settings PSM on page 31 1 Press and hold SEL select for more than 2 seconds so that one of the PSM items appears on the display 2 Press or 4 to select P Programme SEARCH 3 Turn the control dial clockwi...

Страница 17: ... for more than 2 seconds so that one of the PSM items appears on the display 2 Press or 4 to select TA VOL volume 3 Turn the control dial to set to the desired volume You can set it from VOL 00 to VOL 50 4 Press SEL select to finish the setting Automatic clock adjustment When shipped from the factory the clock built in this unit is set to be readjusted automatically using the CT Clock Time data in...

Страница 18: ...N Programmes dealing with any aspect of belief or faith or the nature of existence or ethics PHONE IN Programmes where people can express their views either by phone or in a public forum TRAVEL Programmes about travel destinations package tours and travel ideas and opportunities LEISURE Programmes concerned with recreational activities such as gardening cooking fishing etc JAZZ Jazz music COUNTRY ...

Страница 19: ...psed playing time Current track Total track number of the inserted disc Total playing time of the inserted disc The display changes to show the following Notes When a CD is inserted upside down the CD automatically ejects if the control panel is open If the control panel is closed the source changes to the tuner PLEASE and EJECT appear alternately on the display When you open the control panel by ...

Страница 20: ...cating a track or a particular portion on a CD To fast forward or reverse the track To go to the next or previous tracks To go to a particular track directly Press the number button corresponding to the track number to start its playback To select a track number from 1 6 Press 1 7 6 12 briefly To select a track number from 7 12 Press and hold 1 7 6 12 for more than one second Press and hold while ...

Страница 21: ...rs on the display Each time you press the button the track repeat play mode turns on and off alternately To go to a track quickly 10 and 10 buttons 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing a CD 2 Press 10 or 10 The first time you press 10 or 10 button the track skips to the nearest higher or lower track with a track number of multiple ten ex 10th 20th 30th Then each time you press ...

Страница 22: ...out the disc its disc title performer and track title is recorded This CD Text information will be shown automatically when you play a CD Text To change the CD Text information manually select text display mode while playing a CD Text Each time you press the button the display changes as follows Notes The display shows up to 8 characters at one time and scrolls if there are more than 8 characters ...

Страница 23: ...t A playlist is a simple text file used on a PC which enables users to make their own playback order without physically rearranging the files What is MP3 MP3 is an abbreviation of Motion Picture Experts Group or MPEG Audio Layer 3 MP3 is simply a file format with a data compression ratio of 1 10 128 Kbps That means by using MP3 format one CD R or CD RW can contain 10 times as much data volume as a...

Страница 24: ...ide the folders indicate the playback order and search order of the folders on an MP3 disc Normally this unit plays back MP3 files in the folders in the recorded order Note There is no limit on the number of the hierarchy levels nested folders However up to 8 hierarchy levels is recommended for stable operations 13 12 18 19 17 23 22 24 11 10 21 20 1 2 5 6 3 4 02 04 ROOT 15 16 14 06 07 05 09 01 08 ...

Страница 25: ...MP3 OPERATIONS The display changes to show the following Notes MP3 discs require a longer readout time It differs due to the complexity of the folder file configuration When playback starts folder and file names or ID3 tags will automatically appears See also page 26 If you change the source or turn the power off disc playback stops without ejecting the disc Next time you select the CD player as t...

Страница 26: ...e playing to skip back to the beginning of the current file Each time you press the button consecutively the beginning of the previous files is located and played back Note The display shows up to 8 characters at one time and scrolls if there are more than 8 characters See also To select the scroll mode SCROLL on page 33 Locating a file or a particular portion on an MP3 disc For MP3 playback searc...

Страница 27: ...20th 30th Then each time you press the button you can skip 10 files see How to use the 10 and 10 buttons below After the last file the first file will be selected and vice versa How to use the 10 and 10 buttons Ex 1 To select file number 32 while playing file number 6 Ex 2 To select file number 8 while playing file number 36 To go to a particular folder directly IMPORTANT To directly select the fo...

Страница 28: ...LDR RND or DISC RND appears on the display Each time you press the button the random play mode changes as follows Canceled DISC RND FLDR RND To play back files repeatedly Track Repeat Folder Repeat Play You can play back the current file or all the files in the current folder repeatedly 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing an MP3 disc 2 Press RPT repeat while still in functions...

Страница 29: ... the sound mode you want Each time you press the button the sound modes change as follows Indication For Preset values BAS TRE LOUD USER Flat sound 00 00 OFF ROCK Rock or 03 01 ON disco music CLASSIC Classical 01 02 OFF music POPS Light music 04 01 OFF HIP HOP Funk or rap 02 00 ON music JAZZ Jazz music 02 03 OFF Note You can adjust each sound mode to your preference Once you make an adjustment it ...

Страница 30: ...ble or loudness the adjustment you have made is stored for the currently selected sound mode C EQ including USER 2 If you are using a two speaker system set the fader level to 00 3 Normally the control dial works as the volume control So you do not have to select VOL to adjust the volume level 2 Adjust the setting 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to adjust the other items To reset each sound mode to the fac...

Страница 31: ...c Procedure 1 Press and hold SEL select for more than 2 seconds so that one of the PSM items appears on the display 2 Select the PSM item you want to adjust See page 32 3 Adjust the PSM item selected 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to adjust the other PSM items if necessary 5 Finish the setting Ex When you select LEVEL Ex If you have selected CLOCK H previously Ex When you select AUDIO 2 ...

Страница 32: ...L Traffic announcement volume P SEARCH Programme search LEVEL Level display DIMMER Dimmer mode TEL Telephone muting SCROLL Scroll mode TAG DISP Tag display Back Advance Back Advance 1 00 8 8 17 14 12H 24H 24H PS NAME 12 13 AF OFF VOL 00 VOL 50 17 VOL 20 16 OFF ON OFF Indications Selectable values items Factory preset See settings page TAG OFF TAG ON TAG ON AUDIO 2 AUTO OFF ONCE 33 33 33 33 33 AUDI...

Страница 33: ...ellular phone MUTING 2 Select this if this setting can mute the sounds while using the cellular phone OFF Cancels the telephone muting To select the scroll mode SCROLL You can select the scroll mode for the disc information when the entire text cannot be shown all at once When shipped from the factory scroll mode is set to ONCE ONCE Scrolls only once AUTO Repeats the scroll 5 second intervals in b...

Страница 34: ...nnectors with a cotton swab or cloth moistened with alcohol being careful not to damage the connectors Detaching the control panel You can detach the control panel when leaving the car When detaching or attaching the control panel be careful not to damage the connectors on the back of the control panel and on the panel holder Detaching the control panel Before detaching the control panel be sure t...

Страница 35: ... attaching a cutout or downloaded plate Add the transparent plate supplied between the cutout or downloaded plate and the plate cover in order to attach the plate cover in place Notes Be sure to keep the hex screwdriver for future use Four spare screws for the plate cover attachment are provided with the unit See the Installation Connection Manual When you attach the plate cover do not tighten the...

Страница 36: ...ock setting and preset stations stored in memory are erased See page 2 Store stations manually Connect the antenna firmly Insert the disc correctly Insert a finalized CD R CD RW Finalize the CD R CD RW with the component which you used for recording Unlock the disc See page 22 Stop playback while driving on rough roads Change the disc Check the cords and connections Insert a disc into the loading ...

Страница 37: ...folder Insert a disc that contains MP3 files Causes No MP3 files are recorded on the disc MP3 files do not have the extension code mp3 in their file names MP3 files are not recorded in the format compliant with ISO 9660 Level 1 Level 2 or Joliet The file played back is not an MP3 file although it has the extension code mp3 Readout time varies due to the complexity of the folder file configuration ...

Страница 38: ...ctions or cautions carefully Use only finalized CD Rs or CD RWs Some CD Rs or CD RWs may not play back on this unit because of their disc characteristics and for the following reasons Discs are dirty or scratched Moisture condensation on the lens inside the unit The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty CD RWs may require a longer readout time since the reflectance of CD RWs is lower than that of r...

Страница 39: ...ponse 40 Hz to 15 000 Hz Stereo Separation 35 dB Capture Ratio 1 5 dB MW Tuner Sensitivity 20 µV Selectivity 35 dB LW Tuner Sensitivity 50 µV CD PLAYER SECTION Type Compact disc player Signal Detection System Non contact optical pickup semiconductor laser Number of channels 2 channels stereo Frequency Response 5 Hz to 20 000 Hz Dynamic Range 96 dB Signal to Noise Ratio 98 dB Wow and Flutter Less t...

Страница 40: ...ª À À ÕµÈÕß ÈÕ Ÿ Ë ÿ µ µ Èß ÿ ª ºŸÈ ËÕß ß πµÏ JVC Õß Ë πÀ Õ Ë ÀπË ÿ µ µ Èßπ È 1 ËÕπª Õ ªÿË È Õ ºß ÿ ÕÕ æ ËÕÕÕ ºß ÿ ËÕº µ Ï Ÿ ËßÕÕ ßß π ºßÀπÈ ª ÿ È π ß Áß 2 Õ ºËπ À Õ µËßÕÕ 3 Õ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ À ß ª Ë ÁÕ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ È 1 ÿ ª Õ µ Èß Èπ À Àµÿ ËÕ ÿ µ Èß ÿ ª Õ Èπ ßÕ Ë ÀÈø Ï Ë π È À 2 Ë π ß 2 Õ π À Ë ß ÿ ª Õ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ß æ æ ËÕª Ë ÁÕ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ π 3 ª ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ À Àµÿ ß ÀÈ π ß Èß π ȵËÕ ªÀ ß µ µ Èß ÿ ª Õ È 4 µ µ È...

Страница 41: ...æÏ π ºËπ µ Õ Ï 4 Hex screwdriver 1 1 ßÀ À Ë 1 Spare screws for the plate cover attachment M2 x 5 mm 4 M2 x 5 mm 4 Ÿ Õß À µ µ Èß ºßª æ M2 x 5 mm 4 CR2025 0 1 2 3 012 Õ ÿ ª Õ ËÕπ Õ ÿ ª Õ ÀȪ ÀπÈ µ Ë π È ËÕπ 1 Õ ºß ÿ 2 Õ ºËπ À Õ µËß 3 I Ë π ß 2 Õ π ß π ËÕß À Èæ π ß æ π Èπ ÀÈ ËÕπ ÿ ª Õ ÕÕ π Ë ËÕ Ê ß π ß Èß Õß Õ πÕÕ π Ÿ ÀÈ Ë π ß Èß ÕßÕ πÕ ŸË πµ ÀπËß Ë À À ß µ µ Èß È 012 Ë πª Õ À µ µ Èß ËÕ µËÕ π Èπ Ë πµ...

Страница 42: ... È µ ß 12V Ï À πµÏ Õß ÿ Ë È È π È µÈÕß È ËÕß ª ß ø Ë Ëß À ÈÕ È È π ËÕß ß πµÏ JVC Èæ æ πø Ï À ø Ï ËÕ ÀȪ È π ËÕß ß πµÏ JVC À ß ª À ÿ ª Õ ÿ π È ËÕß Õß ß π ß ß Õ Ë ß Á π πµ ß π ÁÕ ß Ë Ëæ ߪ π Èπ È À ª À π È Èπ ÀȵËÕ È π È πÀ ß Õß ÿ ª Õ Ÿ ºπ Ÿ µËÕ ËÕ È π È Õß πµÏ È Ë Èπ Àπ Ë Ëπ ø ËÕß À Õ ª π Õß ß ªÁπµÈπ À ß ßÕ ŸËÕ ÀȪ È π ËÕß ß πµÏ JVC Õ πæÿ Ë ß Ë ÿ Õß æß ß π Ë 45 µµÏ 45 µµÏ Èß æßÀ ß æßÀπÈ Õ æ π Ï π 4...

Страница 43: ... Ë ß È ßµÈπ L R L R µ Õ ª À ÈÕß ø Ï ËÕ µ Ë ßÕ Ë ß Ÿ µÈÕßÀ Õ Ë Ë ª ËÕß È ËÕ µ Ë À ÕßÀ Õ Ë Ë ßÕÕ æß µ Ë Ë π ËÕÕ ß æß øøÈ ß À Õ Ë ß æ È π µ Ë Ë π ËÕÕ ß æßµËÕ ß πÀ Õ Ë È Õß æß È π È µËÕ ß πµ ª µ À Õ Ë ÿ ª Õ ÈÕπ Èπ µ Ë ËÕÕ ß æßµËÕ ß πÀ Õ Ë È Õß æß È π È µËÕ ß πµ ª µ À Õ Ë WOzUÐdNJ WYUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WYUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WYUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WYUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WYU...
