How do I activate my justTRAC device?
You will need to subscribe to the justTRAC tracking software
and access the web based tracking solution.
Step 1: Go to
“Registration & payments”
Step 2: Select your subscription option, complete the form
make the payment.
Step 3: Once your payment is registered at justTRAC we will
provide you with an email response with your login details.
Please allow 48hours to receive your registration information,
you can also complete the sign-up and registration at the EMD
retail store.
Where can I download the mobile app?
app for iOS & Andriod following the buttons on the top of the
Where can I log-in to the tracking software?
The quickest option is to go to
the “Log
in” button on the top of the home page.
How do I import an event GPS route?
In the justTRAC software go to the ZONES tab (At the top in the
middle of the screen). Then see the
.gpx button
in the top right
corner and click this. Browse your computer for your specific
gpx file and click open. The proses of opening the gpx file onto
the software may take a minute or two. You can also go to the
support page where there will be explained with images how to
import a route.
Can anyone track my justTRAC device?
No. Only authorised users to whom you have given access to
view your position using the justTRAC software and mobile app
can track your device.
Why does the software show speed and location information
that is not correct?
The data you see is outdated and old. The justTRAC software
and mobile app can only display the data values last received
from the device, if this information is not correct it means the
device battery has run flat and the device is not working at the
What is included in my monthly justTRAC service
Your justTRAC device already includes a GSM network SIM card
and your monthly justTRAC service subscription includes the
GSM network service chargers. Your standard service
subscription includes a data bundle for GPS location tracking
and provision for up to 30 SMS’s to control your device. Please
contact us on [email protected] if you require additional
Does the justTRAC device work the same in all locations and
Yes. The justTRAC device works the same in all areas. When you
are in heavy congested cities with lots of high-rise buildings
then the GPS data might be less accurate because of the
building obstructions.
What is GPS?
GPS is a satellite-based navigation system comprised of 24
orbiting satellites. GPS works on the principle that if you know
an object’s distance from several known locations, you can then
calculate its location. The “known” locations are the GPS
satellites, and the distance to the object is measured using the
transit time of an encoded signal. The satellites also broadcast
a data stream along with the encoded signal to transmit
information about their location.
Frequently Asked Questions: Tracking Software & Mobile App