™ Wireless Intercom System
Operating Manual
Rev B
Page 5
Power On Annunciator (PWR ON)
The power on (PWR ON) annunciator is a green LED located on the right
side of the unit. When a unit is turned on, the PWR ON annunciator will
illuminate for 2 seconds. When the unit is searching for its paired unit the
PWR ON annunciator will triple-flash every 1.5 seconds. When the unit is
connecting to its paired unit, the annunciator will double-flash every 1.5 s.
When the unit is connected to its paired unit, the annunciator will single flash
every 1.5 s. When the unit is turning off, the annunciator will illuminate until
the unit is off.
Push to Talk Button (PTT)
The Push To Talk button is a push button switch marked PTT and is located
on the right side of the JA60 Headset Adapter. To route microphone audio to
the JA61 Intercom Adapter, press and hold the PTT button.
Unpack the box carefully, and ensure that it contains the following:
one ea. Wireless Aircraft Headset Adapter, JAC P/N JA60-001
one ea. Wireless Aircraft Intercom Adapter, JAC P/N JA61-001
one ea. Mounting Bracket, JAC P/N PLT-CLIP-0004
two pkg. of AAA rechargeable batteries, JAC P/N MSC-BATT-AAA1
two ea. USB to Micro USB cables, JAC P/N CAB-USB-0003
one wiJAC
™ Quick Start Guide, JAC P/N DOC-GUID-WIJAC
Set-up and Connection
Verify Operating Region
The wiJAC-001 Wireless Intercom System operates using radio frequencies
that are authorized by government regulatory agencies. Ensure the region in
which you are operating the units matches the region marked on a label on
the back of each unit.
Verify Pairing Registration Number
The wiJAC-001 Wireless Intercom System consists of one set of paired
Adapters. The Headset Adapter must be paired with the Intercom Adapter.
Ensure that the same three character Pairing Registration Number is marked
on a label on the back of each unit.
Insert Batteries
Ensure the batteries in both units are fully charged and installed in the
battery compartment with the correct polarity and the battery lid is secured.
Attach Connectors to Aircraft and Headset
Connect the JA61 Intercom Adapter plug to a TJ-120 or TJT120 aircraft
intercom headset jack.