Commit the configuration, and wait for the ZTP process to stop.
root@re0# commit
A message appears on the console, confirming that the ZTP process has stopped.
root@# [ 511.430877] ztp.py[13237]: 2021-03-04 05:28:00 INFO: ZTP:(et-0/2/7) DHCP request timed out
[ 511.432804] ztp.py[13237]: 2021-03-04 05:28:00 INFO: ZTP: checkZTPAbort: Upgrade detected pending abort
[ 511.433586] ztp.py[13237]: 2021-03-04 05:28:00 INFO: ZTP: notifier loop user requested ZTP abort
[ 511.485370] ztp.py[13237]: 2021-03-04 05:28:00 INFO: ZTP: exiting
[ 511.580800] ztp.py[31898]: Notice: PID found for app ztp in /var/run/pid/ztp.pid is 13237.Executing
command: (/usr/sbin/cleanzk -c /var/run/zkid/13237.id;rm /var/run/zkid/13237.id)
[ 512.614206] ztp.py[31898]: rm: cannot remove '/var/run/zkid/13237.id': No such file or directory
10. (Optional) Give the router a name. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks (“ ”).
root@re0# set system host-name
11. Configure the default gateway.
root@re0# set routing-options static route next-hop destination-ip
12. Configure the IP address and prefix length for the management port on the router. On the ACX7024, the
management port (MGMT) is the upper RJ-45 port on the left side of the port panel.
root@re0# set interfaces re0:mgmt-0 unit 0 family inet address
13. (Optional) Configure specific static routes to remote prefixes if you do not want the remote prefixes to use the
default route.
root@re0# set routing-options static route address/prefix-length next-hop