Alarm Types and Severity Classes on ACX Series Routers
Before monitoring the alarms on the router, become familiar with the terms defined in
Table 40: Alarm Terms
Signal that alerts you to conditions that might prevent normal operation. On a router, the
alarm signal is the ALM LED that is lit on the front of the chassis.
Alarm condition
Failure event that triggers an alarm.
Alarm severity
Seriousness of the alarm. The level of severity can be either major (steady red) or minor
(steady amber).
Chassis alarm
Predefined alarm that is triggered by a physical condition on the router, such as a power
failure, excessive component temperature, or media failure.
System alarm
Predefined alarm that is triggered by a missing rescue configuration or failure to install a
license for a licensed software feature.
Alarm Types
The router supports these alarms:
• Chassis alarms indicate a failure on the router or one of its components. Chassis alarms are preset
and cannot be modified.