7. DAB options
Pic. 9
Radio text
- text information broadcast by the station currently being received.
Program sorting
- how to display the station list.
A-Z - alphabetical sort.
Groups - divided in groups by the content of the multiplexes.
Extended information
- all textual and graphical informations broadcast by the
selected radio station are visible. When this option is active then „
” window is the main DAB screen. (Pic. 5).
Traffic announcements
- Turn ON/OFF handling DAB
road DAB (TA)
Slide show
- Turn ON/OFF the slide show service
Move Favorite Program
- Change the position of the stations in the favorites list
(active only when the "Radio: Favorites-DAB" screen is selected - Pic. 6).
Delete favorite program
- deletes the selected station from the favorites list
(active only when the "Radio: DAB Favorites" screen is selected - Pic. 6)
Station information
- Detailed information about the currently selected station
DAB radio (Pic. 2)
- language selection for DAB radio
System Information
- Software version information and function
that allows you to update the software
Factory settings
- Restore factory settings for DAB radio
Pic. 10
8. DAB options
7. DAB options