6. Maintenance and clean of Fetal Monitor
6.1. Product Handling
Although the design of Fetal Monitor is strong enough to be used for clinical use, it is important to be careful in
use and pay attention to maintenance, especially the wafer of ultrasonic probe is precise and cannot be rammed and
6.2. Maintenance
In addition to cleaning, the Fetal Monitor does not require additional maintenance. Keep the outer surface of the
device clean and free of dust. Clean the outer surface of enclosure (including LCD display) with a dry and soft cloth.
If necessary, clean the enclosure with only soft rag soaked with soap water. Use a soft cloth to wipe off the excess gel
on probe. Use only soap and water to clean probe.
Do not use acetone and other strong solvents.
Do not use wearable material (such as steel wool or silver polishing agent).
Do not allow any liquid to enter the enclosure or immerse any part of the instrument into the liquid.
Do not pour the cleaning liquid into the instrument.
Do not make cleaning liquid leave on the surface of instrument.
The surface of the probe can be wiped with 70% alcohol or isopropanol, naturally dried or cleaned with clean
and dry cloth.
6.3. Cleaning and Disinfection
Clean the outer surface of the device and the probe according to the above method, then wipe the surface of the
probe with 70% alcohol or isopropanol. Wipe the probe with a dry, soft cloth to remove the liquid on the surface.
Do not sterilize the device or probe with low temperature steam or other methods.
6.4. Gel
It is recommended to use random-carrying water-based gel. It is absolutely prohibited to use oil-based gel, if the