is too low the porous PTFE washer must be replaced, see Section
9.1.1 "Replacing the PTFE washer in the quick-change fitting",
page 22.
2.4 Coolant monitoring
The following components are required for coolant monitoring:
- Ammonia-sensitive sensor, type 201040/65-22-120/000,
part no. 00440655 (JUMO type sheet 201040)
Ammonia-sensitive sensor for low-temperature applications,
type 201040/65-22-120/854, part no. 00440655
(JUMO type sheet 201040)
- PP manual quick-change fitting, type 202820/107-66/87,
part no. 00379538 (JUMO type sheet 202820)
- JUMO AQUIS 500 pH transmitter/controller,
type 202560/20-888-000-310-000-23/000, part no. 00480050
(JUMO type sheet 202560)
JUMO dTRANS pH 02 transmitter/controller,
type 202551/01-8-01-4-0-00-23, part no. 00560379
(JUMO type sheet 202560)
- Low-noise coaxial cable 1.5 m long, part no. 00085154
(JUMO type sheet 202990)
The process medium must not contain any
substances that could damage the membrane (such
as oils, greases, particles of dirt or surfactants).
The porous PTFE washer in the quick-change fitting
20/00379538 that matches the sensor must not be
A measurement taken in a mixture of ice and water is
not diagnostically conclusive!