Stratego Original:
All the pieces are used when playing Stratego Original. Each player therefore uses 40 playing pieces.
This means that when setting up all the fields, the bottom four rows are filled. The object of the game
Stratego is to capture your enemy’s flag. It would also be wise to position your flag somewhere at the
rear, making it more difficult to capture instantly. You only have six bombs to use as extra protection for
your flag. You must divide your high and low pieces evenly across the field so that your opponent has a
harder time trying to conquer your army. But your formation must also offer you opportunities to launch
an attack of your own…
Example of Stratego starting set-up.
General rules:
Lay the game board down on the table with the Stratego logo facing
the players. The players draw lot to determine who plays red, since
red always goes first.
Place the screen on the two middle rows of the game board between
you and your opponent. The screen ensures that your opponent
cannot see where you position your pieces and provides beginners
with lots of useful information. The pieces are all shown from high to
low along with the number of pieces of each rank.
Outline of the game:
Both players have an army of 10 (Stratego Duel) or 40 (Stratego Original) pieces, including a flag.
You must try to capture your opponent’s flag while protecting your own. You first put together a secret
formation by placing your playing pieces on your half of the game board in such a way as to conceal their
rank from your opponent. In other words, you place your pieces with the image facing you and their back
to your opponent. The pieces have a specific sequence: the higher the number, the higher the rank. If a
piece with a higher rank takes a piece with a lower rank, the piece with the higher rank wins and the piece
with the lower rank is taken off the board. The flag can be conquered by any of the enemy’s pieces that
can be moved.
Starting Area
Starting Area
INT Strat Orig Rules.qxd 16-05-2006 10:57 Pagina 17