Lift up the roof so that you can grasp one of the stays
in the middle of each wall. Pull the cord in the eyelet,
in the same way as in step 3.
Put your foot on the ground piece to hold the
tent in place while you open out the walls (not fitted
on all models).
Walk around the tent and pull out all the walls
The tent should now be completely pitched. Anchor
the tent to the ground with the supplied pegs and
cords. The pegs are in a bag inside the tent, sewn at
ground level by an inside wall near the door. Anchor
eyes are sewn into each corner and on each side. Tie
the free ends of the cords to the pegs that have been
knocked into the ground.
The windows can now be configured. Shrubs
and brush can be placed in holders around the tent
(not on all models).